Page 58 of Strike Zone

“I won.” The offspring lifted his hands in victory. “I won. I am the bestest.”

“You are the absolute bestest.” Strike’s female danced with the tiny tusked male. “The bestest of the bestest.”

The two of them celebrated with 0.0000 inhibitions. The sun’s rays caressed his female’s gorgeous face. Her curls bounced against her shoulders.

Strike’s trepidation over the delay dissipated. His lips curled into a small smile.

War had ravaged the planet. And war might return to it.

But in the moment, there was peace and happiness and caring.

Strike carried his two-being cargo closer to a broken-apart piece of ship engine. He detached one of the metal caps and smoothed it to remove all the sharp edges. Then he salvaged three long pieces of brightly colored wires from the wreckage. He braided them together and attached that to the cap.

His female and the offspring continued to dance when he returned to them.

“The absolute bestest should wear a neck decoration.” Strike held up the manufactured award. “It’ll show everyone he won the game.”

“I’m the bestest.” The offspring stared up at him. “I am, yeah?” He glanced at Strike’s female.

“You are the bestest.” She nodded. Her eyes gleamed with unshed tears.

His female’s emotional system was damaged. Strike frowned at her.

“I am the bestest.” The offspring pulled on his right leg. “I should wear a neck decorangement.”

“Decoration,” Strike’s female corrected him.

“Decorangetion.” The offspring mangled the word again.

“Then I award it to you.” Balancing the friend and the friend’s male on his shoulders, Strike bent slightly and slipped the neck decoration over the offspring’s head. “In recognition of being the bestest of the bestest.”

“Ohhh…” The offspring clasped the metal disk and gazed at it with widened eyes. “It’s shiny.”

“It’s very shiny.” Strike’s female’s voice sounded watery.

The offspring looked up at him again. “You don’t gotta carry me like them.” He pointed to the beings slung over Strike’s shoulders. “’Cause I won. I’m the bestest.”

“You’re the bestest.” Strike had no intel about the game the offspring projected he had been playing, but his female had declared the offspring the winner and he would honor that feat.

“You should show your daddy your neck decoration.” Strike’s female rustled the offspring’s soil-crusted hair. “He’ll be so proud.”

“I’m the bestest.” The offspring gleefully ran away from them. “Daddy, Daddy, I’m the bestest.” He headed in a southeasterly direction.

The two of them watched the offspring’s progress for a moment.

“You did a good thing—creating that award for him.” Strike’s female then turned her brilliant smile toward him.

Strike was temporarily struck speechless. Her beauty had purged his databases of all words.

“I guess we should go.” She touched one of his arms.

That physical connection reset him.

“We should go.” He walked, carrying her friend and her friend’s male, while relishing the feel of his female’s hand on his form.

“Your wounds are healing.” She lowered her voice to a husky whisper.

His cock, always hard around his female, bobbed in response to her tones. “Cyborgs repair quickly.” The pain from that earlier damage was now manageable.