In two long steps he disappeared into a room at the back of the cabin. A bedroom? Or maybe an office. A second later a door snapped shut.
Skye pursed her lips, considering the exchange. She hadn’t pried out the name of a coconspirator, but she was convinced that they were currently staying at Valen’s lair. Either one of the visiting Cabal or a servant who he trusted without reservation.
That should narrow down the list of suspects. If only she could get word to Peri...
Her thoughts were disrupted as her lips parted in a wide yawn. She was too exhausted to think clearly. After a couple of days of constant tension and restless nights, she could barely keep her eyes open. If she was going to find a way to prevent the world being burned to the ground, she needed to replenish her strength.
Snuggling into the soft cushions, she cast a quick glance toward the vampire seated next to her. He was once again in his statue form, no doubt contemplating the various forms of revenge he intended to enact on Lynx and his pals. Including her.
With a sigh of regret, Skye allowed the weariness to swallow her. Micha was a worry for another time and place.
Two hours later she woke as the jet made a sharp descent and hit the runway at a speed that made the aircraft shudder in protest. Skye was jerked awake, but thankfully she wasn’t tossed from her seat. Not because her seat belt protected her. That had mysteriously disappeared while she was asleep. But because she was wrapped tightly in Micha’s arms.
A heat touched her cheeks as she tilted back her head to meet his unreadable gaze. She wanted to believe that he’d pulled her close to protect her. Or even because he was overcome with the desire to feel her pressed against him. Unfortunately, she had a memory of her vivid dreams that’d included unhooking her seat belt so she could cuddle against the sexy vampire. Her only comfort was that she hadn’t actually tried to strip off his clothes. At least she hoped not.
Pulling out of his arms, Skye shoved her riotous curls away from her face and futilely attempted to smooth the wrinkles from her dress. A lost cause, of course, but it gave her something to do as Lynx reappeared to shove open the door of the cabin and lead them onto yet another secluded airfield.
She had a brief glimpse of a narrow runway hidden by tall rows of cypress trees before she was bundled into a van that pulled next to the jet. Micha crawled in behind her and they were driven a short distance before they were unloaded and forced onto an airboat waiting at the edge of a swampy canal.
There were two other boats waiting in the thick weeds, loaded with a variety of demons, including Yugan still wearing his big gun.
They all had grim expressions that matched Micha’s bleak mood, and the air was so thick it was hard to breathe. To be fair, she was almost certain they were in the bayous of south Louisiana. The air was always hard to breathe. But the sullen atmosphere didn’t help.
Wrapping her arms around her waist, Skye concentrated on blocking out the varied emotions that battered at her. Fear, greed, anticipation, and a barely leashed hunger for violence.
These males were ready for battle. And she wasn’t sure they cared who they killed.
The humid wind tugged at her curls as they skimmed and skipped their way out of the canal and into the open water of the gulf, headed directly for a nearby island. The area was shrouded in a darkness so intense that it was obvious no one lived there. Skye felt a stab of relief. She didn’t doubt that Micha was simply biding his time until he decided it was time to end his captivity. And when that happened, things were going to get very bad.
Probably best to keep the humans out of the looming carnage.
The boats navigated onto a crescent-shaped beach and Skye climbed out. Beneath her feet was hard-packed sand covered with driftwood and rotting vegetation. Ahead of her was a line of thick trees draped in Spanish moss that gave the impression of an impenetrable barrier.
She glanced toward Micha, who was standing a few feet away. A dozen demons were spread around them, but none were brave enough to get close to the vampire, leaving him standing alone in a pool of moonlight.
“Where are we?” she asked him.
“My private island,” Micha said, his gaze locked on Lynx, who was strolling toward them. “I keep it protected for the local wildlife.”
Lynx clicked his tongue as he halted next to Micha. “Lies. It’s a baited trap created to punish any demon who wants to challenge the Cabal.”
Micha looked bored. “Are you always so dramatic?”
“It’s part of my charm.” Lynx winked at Skye. “Isn’t it, sweetness?”
Sweetness? Gag.
“It’s part of something,” Skye muttered.
Lynx’s mocking expression faded, leaving behind the ruthless determination etched on the overly handsome features.
“Lead us to the temple,” he commanded.
Micha folded his arms over his chest. “Lead yourself.”
Yugan aimed his gun at the stubborn vampire. It wouldn’t kill Micha, but it could weaken him.
“No, Yugan.” Lynx held up his hand. “I have a better way to encourage our companion’s cooperation.”