Page 57 of Ancient Magic

Micha parted his lips to expose his lethal fangs. As if anyone might have forgotten about them.


Without warning, Lynx lunged toward Skye, wrapping his hand around her throat as he pressed his chest against her back.

“Hey,” Skye protested, exaggerating her annoyance as she reached up to try to pry his fingers loose. At the same time, she breathed a soft chant, releasing one of the curses stored on her charm bracelet.

She felt the magic sink into his skin as he tightened his grip, threatening to snap her neck.

“I don’t want to hurt her, but I will,” Lynx warned.

“Nice,” Skye chided, dropping her hand. She wanted the fairy to think she’d conceded defeat.

Micha’s response was a little more dramatic. With a low hiss, he pointed toward the nearby trees, a thunderous pressure filling the air and bending the foliage until it revealed a narrow pathway.

“You want to prove you’re some magical leader and not another idiot with a death wish, knock yourself out,” he growled.

Skye felt Lynx’s muscles clench. He hadn’t expected Micha to give in so quickly. Now he obviously suspected a trap.

“You go first,” he commanded.

Micha sent the fairy a mocking glance as he headed toward the pathway. “Coward.”

Releasing his hold on Skye’s throat, Lynx poked her in the center of the back, obviously wanting her to go ahead of him. Skye snorted. He really was a coward.

Not that her nerves weren’t affected by the darkness that slithered over her as she stepped onto the pathway winding through the trees. This wasn’t natural. The shadows were alive with magic. As if it was a living creature that hungered for blood. Or maybe flesh.

Skye reached out with her senses, absorbing the power that pulsed in the air. It came from the Gyre, but it wasn’t like the one in New York City. This one was deep and primitive and wild. It was as if someone had tapped into the most ancient well of magic and allowed it to spill across the island.

Had it been Micha?

Lost in her musings, Skye barely noticed the vines that glided next to the path, occasionally striking out as if trying to capture the intruders and drag them into the tangled undergrowth. They didn’t appear to have any interest in her. Either because Micha was in control of them, or more likely, they assumed she was a creature like them. Created out of magic.

Behind her, however, Lynx was forced to dart and dodge the vegetation that lashed out, muttering a string of expletives in a language that Skye didn’t recognize. The fairy was more unnerved than he wanted to admit.

Slowly they neared the center of the island and Skye shivered as she was bathed in a pulsing enchantment. The lush power called to her like a siren’s song, beckoning her to sink into green depths and forget the world. It was tempting. Too tempting. If she hadn’t been a mage, she would never have sensed the venomous undertones if imbibed too freely.

Malice dipped in honey.

Behind her a scream abruptly pierced the heavy silence. Skye didn’t have to look back to know that one of the demons had fallen victim to the vines. By the time they reached the clearing, three more demons had screamed.

Unfortunately, Lynx wasn’t one of them. He remained inches behind her as Micha crossed the soggy ground to lay his hand against the rusty door set in a square building made of cinder blocks.

It looked like a bomb shelter, not a setting for a mystical sword.

Curious, Skye readily followed Micha through the opening, her breath catching in her throat.

The outer shell was constructed with a spell that disguised the lavish beauty of the true temple. Once inside, her wide gaze skimmed over the pure black marble floor. The walls were covered with rich tapestries stitched with silver thread, and overhead the ceiling was painted a dark blue and splattered with silver stars.

There was a light, ethereal quality to the space that should have been a relief after the oppressive atmosphere they’d just left, but Skye wasn’t fooled. The barriers that protected the island were woven out of nature. This was something different. It was almost metallic, but not human technology. It was...

She didn’t know.

She’d never sensed anything like it.

Instinctively she halted near the door as Lynx swept past her with an avid anticipation. Behind him, Yugan forced his feet forward, looking as if he’d bitten into a lemon. They were headed toward the center of the space where a large sword was stuck into the marble floor.

Skye narrowed her gaze, finally able to pinpoint the source of her unease.