Annie: In Honey Harbor???
Me: Yes!
Annie: Good job, Leif! This is a fantastic proposal. Everyone else—take notes.
Tanner: (eye roll emoji) Leif’s let Cami walk around with a plastic crown ring from a gas station on her finger for the last six weeks. He needs to up his game.
I laugh, but my little brother isn’t wrong.
King: Let us know when she says yes!
Tanner: *If* she says yes.
Jake: She’s going to say yes, you dumbass.
Tanner: (GIF of a male body builder) She hasn’t met the youngest Bang yet.
I chuckle again.
Me: Don’t remember you being this funny, Tanner.
Tanner: You should visit me more, Leif.
Me: Count on it.
The jeweler returns.
“This is the one,” I tell him.
“An excellent choice, sir,” he says, cleaning the ring. He tells me about the diamond and its properties, but deep down, I know this is the right ring, the perfect fit, for Cami.
After River and I make our purchases, we leave the jeweler. Knowing the girls are at lunch and Brawler is taking Mia to her baby music class, we decide to swing by Corks for a beer.
“Look at us.” River smirks, shaking his head. “If anyone ever would’ve told me that the two of us would end up with—hell, even had a chance with women like Lola and Cami—I woulda told them to get fucked.”
I laugh. “We’ve come a long way, Patton.”
River taps my knuckles with his. “A hell of a long way.”
We drop onto barstools, order some pints and nachos, and hang out.
Right now, my life is exactly as I want it.
I have Cami and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Her happiness, her love, our future.
Fuck. I’m nervous.
I stretch my hand several times, as if that will help me work up the courage to dial the number I need to call.
Mr. Coleman.
I managed to get his number from Cheryl, but Cami’s dad and I have yet to speak face-to-face unless Cheryl held the phone up to his face and demanded he say hello.
And now, I’ve gotta man up and call him. Ask him for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Even though, she’s legally already my wife.
I close my eyes and drop my head back against the couch cushion. Cami’s at work. This is my window.
Just call him!