Page 69 of Lock 'em Down

“Sure,” I say, putting the truck back in drive. I ease it onto the road and set it in the direction of my house. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Pizza.” She shrugs.

“Want to place an order? We can pass by and get it,” I reply. I feel like I’m on autopilot, going through the motions. I’m relieved Cami confided in me. I’m thankful that she trusts me enough to tell me her story. But she gave me so much to process.

Is that the incident that has caused her and her mother so much distress?

Is that why she ghosted me after we got married?

Is she still hung up on fucking Levi?

Is she going to disappear on me again?

The thoughts plague me through a sleepless night and throughout the following day.

Even though Cami and I settle back into our routine, something’s different. There’s an awareness between us now. One where I know the truth of her past and I’m worried, if given the choice, would she choose me for her future?

Would she choose me at all?



“Mom and Stella are going to drop into your inbox with a whole slew of wedding items that require your and Leif’s approval,” my sister tells me on FaceTime.

“Oh gosh, is Mom driving you nuts?”

“And Dad. And Rhett. Her entire life now revolves around your wedding,” Jenna shares.

I wince. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s good to see her excited and invested in something…good for you.”

Fair point. “Well, I will admit that it’s been nice having the extra help. With Mom and Stella setting the foundation for all the plans, Leif and I have only been consumed with the fun parts.”

“And cutting the check,” Jenna points out.

I wrinkle my nose. “Yeah. Leif hasn’t given any pushback about anything.”

“He’s a good man.”

“The best,” I agree honestly.

Jenna smiles softly. “You really are happy.”

“I am. I told him about Levi.”

“Oh my God, seriously? What did he say?”

“He was super understanding. We actually ran into Levi at a music festival.” I recount the story for Jenna. She gasps and sighs at all the right parts and having this conversation with her transports me back to college. Sitting on FaceTime recounting my weekend with my sister—gleaning her reactions, waiting for her advice, just bonding.

“He hit him!” Jenna repeats.

“Without flinching,” I confirm. “You should’ve seen Leif.”

“Defending your honor.”

“Yeah, I think he really was.”