Page 60 of Lock 'em Down

He shakes his head slightly, his lips pressing together. He grabs my hip and pulls me closer, until my mouth can press a kiss to the hollow of his throat. “I’ll never give up on us, Cami.”

The reassurance in his voice makes me smile.

Against all odds, Leif gave me something real to trust in. Him. Even though I don’t deserve it. Even though I’ve spent three years faltering and confused about how to move forward with a man. I’m doing it with my husband, and I’m not scared. I’m emboldened. Confident.

I’m falling in love.

I bite my bottom lip as Leif hugs me to his chest. We fall asleep in each other’s arms, and I feel safe. Home.

I wake to the sound of dripping water. Slow, steady, continuous.

At first, I think it’s rain but then, I realize that it’s coming from inside my apartment. Shaking myself awake, I sit up in bed and look around my bedroom.

“Leif.” I give him a little nudge.

“Hmm?” He turns, one hand bent behind his head. His bare chest is on full display and his lips are pursed in sleep.

I take a moment to admire him because I’m human. Lightly, I trace his mouth. “You’re beautiful.”

His lips curve into a smile. His eyes blink open. “Love waking up to your face, Knox.”

I smile back. “I’m glad to hear that because I think we have a situation.”

Sleep fades from Leif’s eyes at the truth in my tone. He sits up, his body now alert. “What’s that sound?”

“So you hear it, too?” I snort. Then groan. “We must have a leak somewhere.”

“Stay here.” He slips from bed, and I get a glorious second to admire his ass. Then, he pulls on his jeans. Boo.

Leif pads into the hallway and I wrap myself in a robe, moving to follow him.

When I step beside him by the kitchen, I note he’s looking up. I follow his gaze and snort.

Water is dripping from the ceiling, splattering to the floor right in front of my kitchen sink.

“The apartment above you must have a busted pipe,” Leif comments.

“I like that you know these things,” I muse.

He looks at me. “Are you upset?”

“About what?” I shrug. “It’s just a leak. We’re not getting carried away in floodwaters.”

Leif smirks. Tosses an arm around my shoulders. “Sometimes, I think we’re too much alike, Cami Coleman.”

“Is that a good or bad thing?” I snuggle closer.

“Still deciding,” he admits honestly.

I snort and press a kiss to the side of his chest.

He tightens his hold on me. “You know what this means, right?”


“You’re moving in with me, my wife.”

“I…” I trail off. Because I don’t hate the idea. In fact, a tiny thrill shoots down my spine. I bite the corner of my mouth and glance around the space Mom and I decorated. “I only lasted here a month.”