Leif snickers. He drops a kiss to the top of my head. “If you’re not ready to move in, we’ll set you up someplace else,” he offers like the gentleman he is.
“No, it’s okay. I want to move in with you.”
“Yeah?” His eyes dance.
I nod. Smile. Commit. “Yes.”
Leif lets out an exhale. “I’m glad to hear it, Cam.”
I frown. “Really?” I didn’t think us living apart was bothering him.
He nods. “This means my mom will go home and give us a break.”
I sputter out a laugh at Leif’s reasoning and realize I would feel the exact same way. We stand in my leaky kitchen, half naked, and fold over with laughter.
And I relish that too.
“Cook for her, Leif! She deserves a homemade meal when she comes home from work,” Mom reminds me as she rolls her suitcase toward the front door.
Cami tosses me a smirk and I stifle a laugh. Crazy that I get married in Vegas and my mother sides with my new wife on nearly all things.
“I will, Mom,” I say, opening my arms.
Mom gives me a big hug. “I had fun visiting you.”
“Thanks for coming.” I kiss her temple. Even though she’s meddlesome and quirky and doesn’t understand boundaries, I love my mom with every fiber in my being and I enjoyed having her stay with me more than I’ll ever admit. “I can drive you to the airport, you know.”
Mom laughs and pulls away to Cami. “I like to keep my independence,” she replies, waving to the Uber driver who idles in my driveway.
“We know it.” I pick up her suitcase and walk it to the waiting car.
Mom and Cami exchange a few more words before Cami gives her one last hug. It shouldn’t affect me the way it does—watching Mom and Cami interact, witnessing them get along—but I like it. I’m grateful that my wife and my mom have hit it off the way they have. That while I’ve learned to navigate a marriage, my mom welcomed Cami as a daughter-in-law with open arms and thoughtful advice. Even more, Cami was receptive to it.
It almost seems too good to be true. But everything about Cami and me has been unexpected and unconventional. Why should this be any different?
“See you soon, Mom,” I say, helping Mom into the car and making sure she’s settled up with the Uber driver.
Cami and I stand on the front porch and wave good-bye to Mom until the car’s taillights turn the corner.
Then I turn toward my girl and grin. “You ready to unpack?”
She smiles back. It’s genuine and lights her face up. “Did you designate half the closet for me?”
I laugh. “Babe, I never even filled half the closet. I’ve only been here six months and, I’m not that complicated of a guy. I don’t have fashion sense like Hudson. You take up all the space you need.”
“Wow.” Cami’s eyes widen and she drops her mouth open in mock surprise. “A husband who cooks and gives me the whole closet?” She tugs on my shirt and pulls me flush against her frame. Grinning up at me, I’m struck by how gorgeous she is. “Seems like I hit the husband lottery with you, Ten.”
I snort and palm her ass. I lift her easily and she twines her legs around my waist. I squeeze the tops of her thighs, relieved my mother is gone. “I’m good at other things too.”
Cami smirks. “Like what?”
“I could show you.” I carry her into the house and kick the door closed behind me.
“Where?” She glances around our place, her eyes lingering on the kitchen island.