Page 182 of Wanted Beta

He’s not wrong.

Chapter Eighty-Five


The buzzing sounds of a cell phone set to vibrate disrupt my post-coital nap. I don’t know if “nap” is really the right word for it, but “my first time passing out from multiple intense orgasms” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

“Ugh,” I murmur, tugging the pillow up and over my ear.

Wait. That’s a pillow, and this feels like a bed. Didn’t I pass out on a table?

I let the pillow go and I sit up slowly, finding out I’m still naked, so it’s only my location that’s changed. I look around, but I’m alone. I guess they brought me up here and left me to sleep.

Them. Jack and Enzo. Two of my four true mates.

I have four true mates. I’m still trying to wrap my head around that as I scour the room for the source of the buzzing sound so I can shut it off or toss it out the window, whatever’s easiest.

I spot my clothes and purse piled up on a comfy looking chair in the corner.

I think that’s my phone I’m hearing going crazy, and it makes me wonder what time it is.

Moving over there, I discover a couple of things.

One, sex with two men at a time is ridiculously messy afterwards.

Especially once a girl is on her feet.

And, two, it’s apparently almost seven p.m.

Thanks, wall clock to my right.

Catherine must be wondering where the hell I am.

I feel a bit weird about answering her call while I’m naked with a crazy amount of cum dripping down my legs, but I know she’ll just keep calling until I answer, and the noise is enough to drive anyone insane.

Clearing my throat, I pull the phone out of my purse and answer it quickly.

“Catherine, I’m so sorry,” I start.

“Beth! Where have you been?”

“Um, that’s kind of a long story, actually,” I tell her, as I brush my free hand over the marks on my throat.

“Are you safe? Are you okay? And how fast can you get home?”

“I’m fine,” I answer, wondering what that last question is for. “You can start dinner without me …”

“I already ate,” she says. “While I was waiting for you to answer your text messages.”

“Oh. Sorry. I was kind of busy.”

“I gathered that, but you’re going to have to get home now and fast.”

“Fast? Why fast?” I ask, knowing I’m not leaving this apartment without at least rinsing off my legs. A long, hot shower would be preferable, but Catherine sounds like she’s freaking out.

“Mom and dad are coming over,” she says. “I just got off a call with them. They’ll be here in fifteen minutes at most, and if you’re not here when they arrive, they’re probably going to demand you go back to Sapphire Valley with them.”

“What?” I ask, trying to put everything that she’s saying together.