Page 183 of Wanted Beta

I feel as if I’m missing pieces of a very weird puzzle.

She sighs. “They heard about what happened to you.”

“What? How? I didn’t tell them! Did you tell them?”

“I didn’t tell them. They called your dorm, and some girl named Tilly told them you were living off campus with your sister since the incident and she bugged them about making you give up your room because it wasn’t fair to everyone else.”

“Shit!” I murmur. “Tammy. That little rat!”

“Get your ass in gear, Beth. I’m serious.”

She hangs up, and I drop the phone back into my purse.

I haul on my bra and sweater, and I carefully bundle everything else to carry it in my arms.

Heading for the door, I hear Jack’s voice before it opens.

I jump back a step and he enters the room.

“Hey, you’re awake!”

“I am,” I admit. “And as much as I’d love to stick around, my sister is going to kill me if I don’t get home in the next few minutes. Can you point me to your bathroom?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Sure. What’s so urgent that she needs you home that fast?”

“My parents are coming over, apparently. It’s a long story, but it sounds like I’ll be in trouble if I don’t get over there A.S.A.P.”

“Right, well, I’ll walk you home. Or sprint with you, if that’s what we’re doing.”

“The second one,” I halfway joke.

“Bathroom’s the next door down,” he tells me as he leads me out into the main room of the apartment he shares with his pack.

I nod and dart over there. I’m still dripping a bit, and I really wish I could get away with a hot shower. I get into the bathroom and put my stuff in the sink.

I don’t even close the door as I grab a towel and get it warm and wet and soapy using the bath’s faucet and the scent free soap that must belong to Arrow.

Cleaning up my legs takes a couple minutes, and I leave the towel in the bath.

I haul the rest of my clothes on quickly and throw my purse over my shoulder.

Jack’s waiting for me outside the door when I’m ready to get going.

“Where’s everyone else?” I ask, realizing it seems very quiet in the apartment.

I hope he isn’t up here babysitting me while everyone else has dinner or something.

“That’s a long story, too,” he answers. “Maybe we should exchange long stories tonight, after your parents go home.”

“Great idea,” I tell him. “I’ll call you when they’re gone.”

Hopefully it’ll be a quick visit but considering how long it must have taken them to get out here, I doubt it will be. They gave Catherine hardly any notice on purpose.

We leave the apartment, and then the restaurant.

I can’t help but freak out a little as we walk quickly in the direction of my sister’s apartment.

Anyone would think my parents were Alphas, going by how overprotective they are.