Chapter Three
“I think we should probably talk,” I say.
He nods. He’s nervous and feels guilty but he’s not going to run from the situation. “You’re right. Do you want me to go first?”
“I’ll start,” I say. “First things first, I don’t think there’s anything at all you need to feel guilty about or I need to feel guilty about. I don’t regret what happened at all. We didn’t do anything wrong. The truth is that it was wonderful. I’m really grateful that my first time was with you. We didn’t do anything…”
He lifts his hand to say something but I wave mine and say, “Please. Let me finish. I’m saying that we have nothing to be ashamed about but that doesn’t mean we need to broadcast it. I’m not going to tell my parents and I don’t want you to tell them too. It was a wonderful night. Let’s not see a friendship older than me destroyed because of one night no matter how wonderful it was.”
He doesn’t respond and I realize he’s waiting for me. “I’m done,” I say with a bashful kind of a smile. “It’s your turn now.”
“It was your first time?”
I blush a pretty deep red. I manage to sound at least a little bit mocking when I say, “Really? That’s what you took away from that?”
He says, “But that video recording, you…”
I roll my eyes. “I already told you. It’s for the movie I’m making as my senior project. Do I need to show you the script?”
“No,” he says, “I believe you, Hannah. But you carried yourself so perfectly. You were so… Believable. I know you weren’t really talking to someone but it’s amazing to me that a virgin could be as perfectly seductive as you were.”
I stare at him and my cheeks feel so, so hot! I imagine I must look like a boiled lobster. I finally manage to say, “But you had to be able to tell when we were together. I mean, I didn’t know what I was doing at all.”
He shakes his head and says, “I was actually really…” He smiles a little nervously. “Don’t be mad at me. I was kind of shocked at how good you were. Your experience at it shocked me. I mean, I guess it wasn’t experience after all. You were just really good.”
I don’t really have any way to describe the way this makes me feel. Um. It’s a good feeling. “I was… I was good?”
He says a little wistfully, “Better than good. I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed it more than last night.”
One night. That’s it, right? One night that we can’t let spoil everything.
Well, fuck all that. A moment later, I’m on his lap kissing him. A second later, I pull my shirt off and then kiss him again. So, I pretty much go from treating this as a wonderful thing I’ll get to remember for the rest of my life to a ravenous, give me more, fuck me right now, Brock kind of a slut.
Yeah, I know. That’s an over-the-top sort of description. Well, it’s also an accurate one.
After this time, I say, “Everything else I said is still true. I don’t think we have anything to feel bad about. We still want to keep it a secret from people back home. I mean, things will get really complicated if anyone knows.”
“Fair enough he says.”
“But…” I don’t answer right away. I look away but he finally reaches for me and gently turns my face so I’m looking directly at him. “I want it to happen again,” I say softly.
And it does.
I end up on the edge of the table right in front of him and I have to tell you there’s something pretty damned amazing about it. I mean, it seems pretty astounding that my second time having sex I’m on the dining table.
It feels good, really good. I mean, it feels just as good as the first time except maybe with a different kind of excitement.
And the next time feels good.
And the next.
And I wake up in the morning two days later realizing that I’m waking up expecting to have sex with Brock. It’s wonderful and surprising and new.