Page 8 of Collared

“I could do Sir,” she agreed shakily, choosing what she viewed to be the lesser of three evils.

“That’s fine.”

“So, Miss Diamond, are you ready to pay the penance for your bad choices?” he asked, sounding grave.

Her stomach tightened in a hard knot, and she noticed she was breathing heavily.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered breathily, trying it on for size. It wasn’t as hard to say as she would have imagined.

His hand lifted off her rear, and a glance over her shoulder caught it mid-air pause, level with his shoulders. She looked away, quickly, unable to watch.

Nothing could have prepared her for the shocking rush of pain and adrenaline the first time his thick hand made contact. He wasn’t holding back. She knew immediately that he wanted to give her a genuine taste, and that he intended to make every swat count. His hand fell again and again, and she could actually feel her skin flatten and bounce back up with each thudding smack.

Staying stoic was a fight she was determined to win. But the struggle ended about the tenth time his hand fell across the crack of her ass, covering both sides at once in a punishing blow.

“Ow!” she cried out. “Okay, okay, okay! You can stop now. I get it.”

Pax had the audacity to chuckle. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m just getting started.”

She wasn’t sure what infuriated her more: that he laughed, that he called her sweetheart, or that he wasn’t planning on stopping.

“Stop! I said stop!” she yelled furiously, even as his hand fell across the lower crease, where her bottom and thighs met.

He stopped. “Are you declining the job?”

“I…” she paused and thought about going home to the large mansion with its constricting gates, and the constant barrage of news crews and photographers, even now. Especially now. It wasn’t worth it. “No?” She didn’t sound nearly as sure as she felt.

“Then we’re not done here.”

His matter of fact assurance was oddly comforting, and she forced herself to breathe through the pain, and focus on the end result, which was her anonymity—the freedom provided by being able to hide in plain sight. “Yes, sir.”

With her consent to continue given, Pax drew back his arm once more, and she winced at the fact that she could actually hear a whooshing sound as it traveled through the air on its way to her ass.

“Pax’s girls behave like ladies,” he warned between swats. It was an odd thing to say, as she hadn’t been one of his girls last night, and she technically wasn’t still, but the words gave her something besides the pain to focus on, and she was thankful for that. “There is a three drink per week limit, and only on your days off. There will be no drinking anywhere on the premises besides your own room, so if you want to have a drink at a bar, you leave the hotel. You must be back and in your room at midnight each night.”

Three hard, earth shaking swats fell during his edict, and Diamond raised her eyebrows at the thought of having a curfew for the first time in nearly a decade, but it wasn’t an issue. Except for the occasional girls’ night out if her sisters came to town, she was usually safely in bed watching cable by 10:00 pm anyway, unless she was working. Then it was much later.

“You watch what goes into your body.” His hand had moved lower, and she shrieked as it fell across the top of her thighs. What a difference an inch or two made in her pain tolerance. “You don’t go over your spending limit with room charges.” Two more swats fell across her thighs as he spoke, and she squirmed relentlessly, until he placed his other hand across her back to brace her. “Stop moving. You earned this spanking, and you need to take it. When you move, it messes up my aim.”

“Yes, sir,” she squeaked, shocked when a stray tear rolled down her cheek and landed on the thick cotton spread beneath her. That one sentence, that she had earned a spanking, had a powerful impact, cloaking her in shame, but also, covering her with an aura of peace, giving purpose to the act of being spanked. Diamond had always been a good girl, but even the tiniest mistakes had crippled her with guilt until she forced herself to move past them. Actions had never had tangible consequences, and her few past mistakes would hit her with guilt gut at the most random of times, often keeping her up at night, remembering the time she had cheated off Mathew Roger’s history test in the tenth grade, or skipped fifth period Spanish to take a long lunch. She wasn’t even sure what she had done last night, but the fact that she could be punished for it, and move past it, was oddly freeing, and for some reason the freedom manifested itself in loud, wracking sobs.

At the shift in her demeanor, she worried that Pax would have eased up, spanked lighter, or stopped altogether. The opposite was true. The swats fell faster and harder, with no time at all in between them, as if he had suddenly grown an extra hand. Every inch of her bottom was covered with heat. Blow after blow fell with no conceivable pattern, always leaving her wondering where the next one would hit.

The sobs kept coming, until the bedspread beneath her was soggy, but she felt better than she had in years. She cried for the mistakes she had made last night, not even fully knowing the extent of them. She cried for her identity, living a life of literal hiding, and not being able to live like a normal carefree twenty something. Most of all, she cried for her mama.

“That’s right, honey,” Pax crooned, finally slowing his pace, and the intensity of the swats, but not stopping. “Let it out. A good spanking is a powerful tool for what ails you.”

She quieted, pondering the truth in his words. Had he known that she would react this way? She would have thought the intensity of her reaction would have scared him, but the opposite had seemed to be true. Once the tears had begun to flow, Pax had become more dedicated, a man on a mission to break her down, for the sake of building her up.

He kept spanking, slowing and lightening as her sobs subsided, rubbing her back lightly through the thick robe with the hand that had earlier braced her in place.

Finally, he stopped. Lowering her robe to cover her now throbbing back end, he helped her into a sitting position beside him, smiling when she winced as her bottom touched the bed for the first time.

She wiped her tear stained cheeks with the back of her hand, and gave a piteous laugh. “I’m sorry. I must look a mess.”

He shrugged it off. “No, you have that freshly spanked look. Slightly embarrassed, a little pouty, big wet lashes, and the most adorable tear-stained face. And you look a million times lighter. Besides, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“I,” she faltered, searching for the words. “I didn’t know I would react like that. I’m sorry—and oddly grateful.”

It was his turn to look slightly embarrassed—an expression that seemed oddly out of place on the large man with the chiseled rugged features. “Like I said, a good spanking can be quite cathartic. You obviously needed the release. I’m just glad you didn’t jump off my lap and slug me mid-spanking.”

She laughed. “I’m not saying I didn’t think about it a time or two. But now, I feel… I don’t know that I can put it into words. So I’ll just say thank you, and leave it at that.” The absurdity of her response struck her. What an odd thing to say to a man she barely knew who had spent the last thirty minutes spanking the living daylights out of her until her ass throbbed and tingled. She wondered if there would be marks. She imagined it had to be pretty red at the moment. It certainly felt as if it were up in flames.

Pax nodded. And she marveled at the understanding and compassion conveyed in the simple gesture.

“So, are we on for tomorrow? What’s it going to be? Move into the Rojo and consent to rules and discipline, or go home to LA? It’s nearly noon, so whatever your choice, you need to get moving.”

“Yes, sir,” she agreed, sticking with the title even though she wasn’t over his knee any longer and it wasn’t required. It just felt right. “I’d like to be a Rojo girl.”