Page 7 of Collared

“On one condition.”

She stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

“You’re tomorrow night’s entertainment. And that means, you accept the consequences for your mistakes last night. On stage. In front of a crowd.”

Her eyes narrowed sharply. “What kind of consequences?”

“The kind all my girls have for their random misdeeds. I spank them. Every Tuesday night is Vanilla Night, and if any one of my girls have any transgressions from the prior week, they come up on stage, and we take care of it.”

Diamond had chosen the wrong time to take a sip of coffee, and she choked on it. “And by take care of it, you mean you spank them? On stage? In front of an audience? You have got to be kidding me. That’s insane.”

Pax stared at her blankly. “A large portion of the population would disagree. You’d be amazed at the crowds our demonstrations generate, especially on Tuesday nights.”

“Pass. Hard pass.”

He shrugged, looking very much like it honestly didn’t bother him one way or the other. “Okay. Have it your way. I get it. You don’t need a job and that’s fine. Go home to Daddy, live off your trust fund, and become paparazzi fodder. No skin off my nose. Hell, I’ll even help you pack.”

Well, crap, when he put it that way, she didn’t know which option was worse. Getting spanked on stage in front of hundreds of people, or spending her days gracing the covers of tabloids and having strangers track her every move. Pax’s proposition was crazy—and she was just as crazy for considering it—even for a millisecond, but God help her, she was considering it.

“I’ve never been spanked. I think I might freak out. That would be really embarrassing.”

“You’re right. The crowd wouldn’t like that much.” He raised one eyebrow and the corner of his mouth turned up in a smile that was almost sexy. “I could give you a preview, so you’d know what to expect.”

He must be right, she thought to herself. I must be still drunk. I’m not thinking clearly. There is no way this is a better idea than just going home. I need to turn him down, and get as far away from here as possible. She opened her mouth to decline.

What came out was, “Okay.”

Pax wasted no time. Before she could even process what had happened, he sat down on the bed, and patted his lap.

She froze. Her mouth opened in a small O of surprise and her head began shaking back and forth, seemingly of its own volition.

“I’m going to give you two minutes to finish your coffee and gather your wits, and if you’re not over here, I’ll have to come get you.” He paused before continuing, menacingly, “You do not want me to have to come get you.”

As she sipped her coffee slowly, her eyes never left his face. He really was a handsome man, but that wasn’t a good reason for what she was about to do. Every part of Pax was large and intimidating, including his hands. Was she really about to let him maul her ass with those monster sized hands? A spanking might really hurt. And what if she cried? That would be mortifying.

Two minutes passed fast, and her stomach and mind were no more settled when Pax stood and rose slowly, crooking his index finger in a “come here” gesture, even as he walked towards her.

For a moment, he looked as if he were about to scoop her up and throw her over his shoulder but he stopped short, took her arm and gently tugged her across the room, sitting on the bed once more, and unceremoniously dumping her face down over his lap. Her face smooshed into the soft comforter, and she crossed her arms underneath her head and tried to tell herself that this was not really happening. That it was all just a very strange alcohol induced dream.

“Darling, I hope you have panties on, because this thick robe is not going to do.” She nodded yes, and he bunched the thick fabric at her waist.

One giant hand nearly covered her ass, and just sat there, resting as if waiting. “Now, if you were on stage, you’d be wearing one of our Tuesday night outfits. We have several styles, but I picture you in a nice collegiate type school girl outfit. Plaid skirt, white blouse, maybe a little cardigan, and some white thigh highs. I’d turn to the audience, and explain to them what actions had led you to earn a spanking. If I planned to use an implement, I’d hold each one up, and talk about it for a few minutes.”

“Im-implement?” Her voice came out shakier than she intended. “What’s that?”

“Oh, you know—the thing I use to spank a naughty bottom. Paddle, strap, cane. That’s sort of thing.”

Diamond gulped as an involuntary shiver coursed through her body. This sounded serious.

“Your behavior last night for an experienced girl, would warrant a meeting with the rattan cane, but you’re quite new, and that’s not an implement for a beginner, so a small wooden paddle would probably do the trick.”

“Oh.” There was nothing more to say. Pax must have agreed, because he stopped explaining.

“This is a preview. This is not the real thing. It will be intense, but only a fraction of what you would experience tomorrow night.”


“On stage you would address me as Sir, Master Pax, or for a few, even Daddy Pax. It’s up to you. I have no preference.”