Page 84 of Unveiled

Ainsley climbs off my lap with a huff. “I’m going to the bathroom. Fight it out, do whatever you need to do, but you both better be ready to behave when I get back.”

“Ainsley,” we both call at the same time. When we realize what we just did, we let her walk off to the bathroom as we glare at each other.

“Having trouble being civil tonight?” I ask. He grits his teeth as he watches me sipping from my drink while sinking into the back of the stool, trying to look relaxed. I’m splitting my attention between him and the door to the bathroom, waiting for Ainsley to come out.

“She’s not a child, you know. If she wants to come to a bar with me, she can. And she clearly didn’t invite you, so why did you feel the need to butt in?”

“Because she’s mine, don’t you understand that?” I slam the glass onto the bar top a little too aggressively, causing a few people around us to look over. “Keep trying to come between us. I fucking dare you.”

The last part is hissed quietly enough that the people watching us can’t hear it, but Ethan clearly did. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows nervously.

“Don’t be mistaken, I couldn't care less if you keep trying to provoke me tonight. You’ll just piss her off, and she’ll go home with me regardless. And trust me, the sooner we go home, the better. My cock has been craving her all day.”

Ethan’s shoulders slump at my words, and I know I’ve won this fight. Looking at my watch, I realize Ainsley has been gone longer than necessary. My eyes dart to the bathroom, which I wasn’t watching while I was reminding Ethan who’s in control here. Mentally, I curse myself for not paying closer attention.

Surely nothing would happen here, though. The bar is crowded with people, and the women’s bathroom is never empty. Besides, I have men stationed at Guerra’s compound, ready to report to me when they see movement from my father. I would know if he was roaming around.

Still, as the minutes continue ticking by on my watch, I get more antsy.

“I’m going to check on her,” I inform Ethan as I stand from my stool. As I walk to the bathroom, I feel him following behind me, but I don’t pay him any attention.

Women standing in line shout at us as we push past them and through the door. I look around at the women fixing their hair and makeup in the mirrors while a few rush into stalls to vomit, but there’s no sign of her.

“Ainsley?” I call out, hoping to just hear her voice call back to me.

“Maybe she passed us and we didn’t see her in the crowd. She could be at the bar wondering where we went,” Ethan suggests.

I ignore him as I pull my phone out of my pocket and call her. It rings once, and then suddenly, I hear her ringtone. My shoulders drop as they relax, relieved that I came in here for no reason. But, as I turn around, I find the device sitting on a sink in front of a woman messing with the gunk on her eyelashes.

“Fuck,” I curse as I move toward the phone to grab it. “Did anyone see the girl that had this phone?”

Some of them ignore me, while others sneer at me for being in here. Only one comes forward to answer my question.

“There was another guy that came in here a minute ago. He told her to leave her phone there, and she left with him. It looked like he was being pretty rough with her, but she left willingly. I wasn’t about to get myself involved in whatever relationship drama that was. He also looked way too old for her. She definitely had some daddy issues.”

Her words fit into my mind like little pieces to a puzzle. I can’t see the bigger picture until every single little puzzle piece is put together, and when the puzzle is complete, I turn around and put my fist through the mirror.


Chapter 34


“You can tell me where the tracker is, or I can start cutting open random parts of you until I find it,” he threatens.

My teeth clench together, refusing to answer him. With my phone gone, the tracker Cain put in my neck is my only hope of being found now. Losing that tracker means being sold to another Carlos, and just like last time, there’s no guarantee that Cain will save me.

“You’re more stubborn this time,” he observes as he continues driving down the dark road. I could jump out. Undo my seatbelt, open the door, and jump to the asphalt.

The thought crosses my mind, but unfortunately, logic jumps in before I do something stupid. If I jumped out and managed to not break anything, where would I go? I’d be too hurt to run fast, meaning he would catch me and just be more mad. Even if I could outrun him, we’re in the middle of nowhere.

“I can’t wait to break you of that.”

“I survived Carlos. What makes you think you can break me?”

A creepy grin crosses his face, making me shy into my seat. That grin holds the promise that whatever he does, I’m going to like it about as much as I liked my time with Carlos.

Please, please, please don’t sell me again. Don’t force me to live with a man that thrives off of my torment. Jonah won’t be there to be my lightning bug on a starless night. I may be more stubborn, but I won’t survive being sold again.