The pleas are loud inside of my head, but that’s as far as they go. I refuse to let him see how terrified I am of what’s about to happen. If Cain has realized I’ve been taken, then he’s probably already tracking me. I just need to be patient and trust that he’ll get me out this time.
“Tell me where the tracker is or I’ll start ordering the deaths of people around you,” he threatens. When I continue keeping my mouth shut, his threat becomes more real. “I could start with that friend you were with at the bar. Ethan, is it? Shame he grew up differently than his half brother, I’m sure he could have been an excellent addition to my men.”
“They aren’t your men anymore,” I correct him, immediately regretting it as he grabs the side of my head and slams it into the window. It’s not hard enough to knock me out, but it makes the pain from my concussion flare up.
He keeps talking like that didn’t just happen. “And then there’s your dear bodyguard. I hear his mother is quite sick. It would be a shame if something unexpected were to happen to her. Or, there’s the two girls you live with. Cassie and Violet, right? Of course, I could threaten your dad, but the two of you aren’t really on the best terms.”
Each person he names sends a pang through my chest. How does he know all of this about me? Lucky for me, logic sets in before I panic.
“You would have to turn around and drive back to town to get to them. Cain is probably already following us, meaning he would intercept you and save me before you could get to any of them. And do you really think he’d let you live after that?”
A smug smile crosses my face as I watch him grip the wheel tighter, but as the smile on his face grows, the one on mine fades. I just told him he doesn’t have leverage against me, he should have no reason to smile.
“You weren’t listening, child,” he sneers. “I said nothing about killing them myself, I said I would order their deaths. There are still men that are loyal to me, and they’re currently stationed close enough to each person who I listed that all I have to do is make the call and they’ll be dead.”
I swallow nervously, not doubting him for a second. He’s shown me multiple times just how sick and twisted he is, this shouldn’t be a surprise to me. With my eyes squeezed shut for courage, I lift my hand and point to where Cain stabbed me with the needle to inject the tracker in me last week. I wish he hadn’t told me what he was doing, because then I couldn’t tell him. The time it would take him to find it would have been long enough for Cain to find me, but then I couldn’t guarantee the safety of everyone he threatened.
“See? I knew you could be obedient.”
I keep my eyes squeezed shut, even as he grabs the side of my head in his hand and I feel my neck jerk to the side.
The first thing I’m conscious of is the tingling in my arms. I must have fallen asleep with them under my pillow again. All I have to do is pull them down to at least shoulder height, and then I can go back to sleep.
Except, as I try to pull them down, they refuse to budge. A dull thud pulls me further out of my sleep state as I continue to yank on whatever is preventing me from pulling my arms into a more comfortable state.
Finally, my eyes snap open, only to immediately squeeze shut as the sudden light makes the pounding in my head scream for attention.
“Cain?” I call out. While he loves trying new things with me, and I wouldn’t put tying me up in my sleep so he can use me when I wake up past him, it’s weird that he would just leave me here. “Cain, my head is hurting again.”
My own screaming is making the throbbing even worse, but the sooner I can get him up here with some medicine, the better. Besides, maybe he’ll feel bad and get me out of these restraints so I can sleep the headache off.
When I don’t hear him calling back to me or stomping up the steps, I force my eyes to open slowly so I can see if he’s sitting in the corner waiting for me to see him or something.
The first thing I realize as my eyes finally adjust to the bright light is that I don’t know where I am. This isn’t the bedroom I was sharing with Cain last week, or even the bedroom he kept me in when he first brought me to his house. I don’t find him sitting in a corner waiting for me to wake up.
I’m alone.
“Shouting for him like he’s a servant,” says a deep voice as the door suddenly starts opening. Fighting against the restraints keeping me attached to the bed, I realize it’s no use. I’m not strong enough to break them. “I’ll never understand why he’s so enamored with you.”
My brain is slow, but when his face comes into my line of sight, I recognize him. Suddenly, the events of the last few hours come crashing down on me. Being at the bar. Rushing to the bathroom to get a break from Cain and Ethan. Being trapped in the bathroom with no way to escape and then being carted away through a kitchen until I was shoved into a car and driven away.
The sting in my neck makes itself known as I remember his determination to find my tracker, and my head throbs to remind me that my neck wasn’t the only thing damaged.
He may have broken my body, but I won’t let him break my spirit.
“I’m just really, really good at sucking his cock,” I answer, hoping to piss him off. I follow my snarky comment by trying to spit in his direction, but it doesn’t go nearly as far as I need it to as I feel it land on my leg.
I have to be careful as I drop my head back down, irritating the cut he caused on my neck.
“Looks like he’ll have to find someone else for that, because I have plans for you,” he tells me with a devilish smirk. With that, he walks back out the door and shuts it behind him, leaving me alone once more.
This isn’t like the last time he took me. There isn’t a man constantly watching me and staying by my side even during bathroom breaks, which can mean one of two things. Either he has men and they’re still watching the people I care about in case I act out, or he was lying and he’s working on his own.
I have to convince myself it’s the former so I don’t hate myself for ruining my one chance at escape.
There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s going to sell me again, and this time, it’ll probably be much farther from home. He won’t want to deal with me himself, and he won’t want me close enough for Cain to find.