Page 8 of Intertwined Souls

They wanted to ruin our club so they could take over our territory in Jacksonville. I’ll admit, I laughed a little when he said that shit.

The only problem was that Rage has flipped the club around. There is a hell of a lot less illegal activity than before. And anything that needs to be kept under the table is only run through ranking officers, so Connor was basically useless. That is, until Harley came into our lives and we had to have big mouths about meeting her at school. He said something to David, who immediately put him on the task of helping to find her and figuring out if Rage had a plan for her or anything.

After he finished spilling everything to Grayson, Noah, Rage, and I, Noah brought out his full enforcer side in front of us and beat him to death. First Daniel and now Connor; it’s going to hit everyone in the club really hard that we had two moles within our walls for so fucking long and we had no idea.

“…Your daughter is a fucking waste of space, but she did one thing that I can now use to my advantage.”

Harley’s voice brings me back to the present as she squats down next to David, who is now laying down on the floor with his hands tied behind his back underneath him.

“Over the course of three years, I probably spent ninety percent of that time with a cracked rib or two,” Harley sneers and stands back up, placing her foot on the lower left side of his chest. “Right here? This was her favorite spot to kick. After she’d beat me until I couldn’t get off the floor.”

She rears her foot back and kicks straight into the spot her foot was resting. David lets out a loud pained grunt; I'm surprised he didn’t scream considering we all heard his rib crack.

Harley heaves a breath and shuts her eyes for a moment. When she opens them again, there is nothing there. No sadness, no pain. She doesn’t even seem angry. Just numb. Her pupils are so dilated that her eyes look almost completely black.

Reaching behind her, she pulls out a small pocketknife. Where the fuck did she get that from?

She straddles his chest, lowering herself so her knees rest on either side of him. Flicking open the knife, she runs it down his face, pushing hard enough to slice him directly below his right eye, down his cheek and to his lip.

Her lips pull back in a sneer as she stares down at him. “That one was for me.”

Tossing the knife to the side, Harley rains down blows to his face, not leaving even an inch of it untouched.

David doesn’t speak; he tries to wiggle away but can’t with his hands tied under him. The cocky smirk he has carried all day is finally gone as he stares up at Harley with a hint of fear in his eyes.

By the time she finally stops, her chest is rapidly rising and falling, and a few tears escape her glossy eyes, rolling down her cheeks. “I sincerely hope that you keep breathing as we light this place on fire. When the ceiling and walls start to cave in around you, when you feel the smoke seeping into your lungs, I hope you feel every single piece of flesh as it burns off.

“And while you’re in that agonizing pain of being burned alive with no way out, I hope it’s her face you see. Lilian Thomas. The woman who did survive you. Who did fucking escape you. Who raised a daughter to get revenge on her behalf.”

She stands up and steps away from him, narrowing her eyes.

“You deserve so much worse than this. You’re getting off easy.” Harley glances from her dad to me before asking. “Can we light this place on fire?”

There are so many things running through my head right now. I want to hold her, comfort her, help her destroy everyone, bring her out of whatever hell is keeping her captive. I want revenge on her behalf.

I feel an inescapable need to take out all of these conflicting feelings on someone—not just anyone, but someone who hurt my little flame.

But instead, I put on a front and stand with her. Shooting her a grin, I nod fiercely. “Fuck yes.”

“Ryker,” Rage says in a strained voice. “There should be extra gas cans in the back of the truck they left here for us. Grab them, but don’t come back in until I come out. There’s one more thing that needs to be done,” he growls, clenching his jaw. “Harley, go with him.” This time, his tone is softer, but still demanding.

“What—” she starts, but he shakes his head.

“He took something from her. He took it over and over again when she was nothing but an innocent, defenseless child. So I am going to take it from him and show him the pain she had to feel every time he raped her.” There’s a hard edge to Rage’s words as he scowls down at David.

I wince, catching onto his meaning, my hand lowering to cover my dick. Yikes. Walking over to Harley, I grab her hand and pull her out the front door towards the truck, not wanting to see any of what is about to happen in there.

Harley’s face is still blank, but tears keep streaming silently down her cheeks. When we reach the truck, I grab her hips and gently push her up against the side of it, pressing my front against her.

Raising my hands to her cheeks, I gently cup them and wipe her tears away with my thumbs. “Little flame, talk to me,” I plead.

She shakes her head slightly and clenches her eyes shut. “I can’t. There’s nothing—” Shaking her head again, she whispers, “I can’t. I want to watch this place burn with him in it, and then I need to see Cade. I need to know he is okay.” Her voice cracks, and she clears her throat, looking down at my chest instead of at my eyes.

“Let me call Grayson real quick. He stayed back with Nerds to help track you guys and give us directions.” Pulling out my phone, I call him and wait for him to answer. When he does, I ask, “Gray, how is Cade?”

“He’s alright. Doc and Brielle are helping him—”

Harley’s eyes shoot towards the phone in my hand. “Brielle?” she questions.