They shift closer to help carry Cade out of the room, but I can’t seem to move out of the way.
Colton murmurs from where he squats down close to me, “Darlin’? Are you alright?” I shake my head, the most I feel I can do right now as I stare down at Cade’s unmoving form. “Harl–” he starts again, but I don’t hear whatever else he says because the person who caused all of this is spewing his own bullshit behind us.
Everything happened so fast, I forgot he was still awake. Taking one more glance down at Cade, I drop my head and kiss his forehead, then swiftly stand and move around Colton heading towards the door to follow the others out to where they are dragging David.
In the main room, Gabriel and Ryker drop David on the old, stained couch and stand in front of him.
Gabriel’s glare is enough to stop my feet from moving any farther. I stand a few feet behind the couch, listening to what he says.
“I should put a bullet right between your eyes and be fucking done with you, you sick bastard. But there are questions that need answers, and you are the only one who is going to give them,” Gabriel seethes.
David chuckles, “Oh? Didn’t get much out of Connor, I take it?”
Gabriel glares down at him, his arms crossed over his chest. “Connor?” he chuckles just like David did, sending shivers down my spine. “He’s currently burning in a hole in the ground in the middle of the woods. It took us all of ten minutes to break the stupid kid down and he told us where to find this club, and what you had him doing.”
A small part of me almost feels like it can relax knowing one of the threats against us is no longer a concern.
David rolls his eyes. “This all goes way past you, boy. You wouldn’t understand. I always told your pops he should have sent you off or killed you years ago because you would never live up to the club name.”
“And this disgusting pit does?” Gabriel scoffs, raising a brow.
“It does its job. Now, what's the plan? You want to kill me? You could.” He shrugs. “But it doesn’t end here. You have no idea what lies in the shadows waiting for the right moment to attack.” He chuckles darkly. “I’m not the only one who wants your precious little daughter.” Tilting his head, he locks eyes with me. “Well, or my daughter.”
And with those three simple words, or my daughter, my legs are moving before I even register what I am doing. Stalking around the couch, I bypass Gabriel and Ryker, the latter of which hasn't taken his eyes off me once since he came into the storage room Cade and I were in.
Coming to stand directly in front of David, I pull my fist back and put all my strength—my pent up fury, confusion, fucking devastation—into the punch, knocking his head to the side and giving him a bloody nose.
The fucker grins up at me, not even fazed, and I lose it.
Bending down to put my hands on his knees, I offer him the same sadistic smile he has given me all fucking day.
Then I press my thumb directly into the bullet hole on his knee, pressing down as hard as I can.
He tries to hold his pained grunt in, but it slips past his crusty ass lips anyway. He goes to grab me, but before he can an arm shoots past me and grips his hand, yanking it back until you hear the pop of his wrist breaking.
David screams, and I glance up to meet Ryker’s almost black eyes. He mirrors my smile and winks at me. “Got your back, little flame.”
“Harley—” Gabriel hesitates, coming to stand on my other side.
Pulling my thumb from David’s wound, I stand up straight again and look at Gabriel, noticing the worry and hesitation in his features.
I shake my head. “Don’t. Please don’t stop me. Let me prove to you I can do this. I have to do this.” Narrowing my eyes back down at David, I lower my tone. “Especially now.”
All the things he said to me on the way here attempt to take over my thoughts, but I push them away and focus on the piece of shit in front of me. He deserves everything he gets and worse.
Gabriel sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Alright. But Harley, there is no shame in stepping back when it becomes too much. It doesn’t make you weak or make us look at you any differently, okay?”
I give him a sharp nod and let my demons out to play.
Harley’s face contorts with fury like I have never seen before. Behind it is layers and layers of hurt, pain, and devastation. We have no idea what happened before we got here, but whatever did will never leave Harley.
When we realized that our tires were slashed and we couldn’t immediately follow, I lost my shit on Connor, who had just woken up. It only took five broken fingers, a broken nose, and probably a few broken ribs before he was spilling his guts, telling us everything.
His dad was the vice president here under David—was, because Rage killed him when we stormed into this shitty warehouse earlier. Connor wanted to prove himself so that eventually, when it was time for his dad to step down, he could take over. He wanted to earn his keep.
But instead of doing normal prospect shit, they had him follow after Daniel and come join SOS. He was watching them at first to gather routines, any information on the businesses, and documenting anything illegal that happened.