Page 79 of Intertwined Souls

Someone clears their throat from behind me, and I spin around on the bench to find Colton leaning against the door jam.

“Hey.” I smile at him shyly, not expecting an audience.

“Hi, darlin’. I didn’t mean to be creepin’, but I heard it from down the hall and wanted to see you play. I hope ya don’t mind.” He shrugs as he walks into the room and leans against the wall beside the piano.

Shaking my head, I say, “No, it’s fine. I mean, I’m not really used to playing with others around besides my mom, but I can get used to it. I didn’t even know you were there since I was so lost in the piece I was playing.”

Colton grins as he runs a hand through his beard. “You know, my dad, your grandfather, he played the guitar. I always tried to pick it up so that I could do it with him, but I just never got into it. Now, I think that trait got passed to your mama.”

“That’s awesome. I know that Gabe’s dad was really shitty, but I’d like to know more about your families eventually,” I say with a shrug.

He nods at me. “My dad was not the best, but he was much better than most of the other guys'. He was distant, but when he was around, he was here for me and tried his best to be a father, but the club came first. It did for all our families. The club always came before everything.” His expression darkens slightly.

“They really put the club above their families? Their kids?” I ask, my face twisting in disgust.

“Yeah, darlin’, they did. That’s one of the first things your dad changed. The club is family, which means everyone who is a part of it is family. And their families are family. We all unite together. It’s not just some boys’ club anymore that puts each other above their own kids and wives.”

“I’m glad Gabe wanted to make those changes when he took over the club,” I murmur, staring down at the keys before me.

Colton tips his head in agreement. “Well, it’s ‘bout time for the big meetin’. Most everyone was arrivin’ when I came up here. Want to head on down?” He gestures toward the door.

Exhaling through my nose, I stand. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

Before I can leave the room, Colton stops me with a hand on my shoulder. Glancing up at him, I see the wariness in his eyes as he speaks.

“Be patient with your dad, girly. I know you can handle this. I also know that he knows you can handle this, but he has never done this before. He’s never had someone who's walkin’ 'round with his heart. He has us here at the club. He looks at Presley and Raven as sisters, and he will always worry 'bout them and take care of 'em. He worries about his brothers, too. But you’re different. You bring out instincts in him that he has never had come up before. He is learnin’, and it’s goin’ be a long and hard process.

“So, as we go down this road that leads to countless unknowns and possibilities to get hurt, understand that his panic or overprotectiveness comes from his need to keep you safe and be your father. Not because he doesn’t trust ya or doesn’t think you can handle it.” He sighs before he continues, "Your dad, well, he never wanted kids.”

Something inside of me cracks open with those words, but before I have a chance to react or shut down, he continues.

“His dad was a bastard. His mama wasn’t much better, just worse in different ways than his father, so he’s always said he didn’t want kids. He didn’t know if he could be the father he wanted to be. He has always been terrified he would turn out like his dad. Then you came along, and he didn’t have a chance to adjust. He was thrown in the deep end, and you both have your own issues you have had to work through.

“But now? Now I see how much he loves you and how it would kill him if anything happened to you. So just trust that he is doin’ his best, even when he opens his mouth before fully thinkin’ something through. Be patient with him.”

“I will try my best. Sometimes it’s hard not to just react first and go on the defense,” I chuckle awkwardly.

Colton grins at me. “That would be a similar problem that your dad has, girly.”

Shaking my head with a smile, we start to leave the room, but one more thing stops me. “Is that why he isn’t with Carly?” I say quietly.

Colton lets out a small grunt. “That’s more complicated, but it is one of the reasons, yes. He doesn’t want to ever hold her back,” he explains.

“Even if she can never take her eyes off him? She comforts him whenever she can. She doesn’t do that for the rest of you,” I retort, my brows furrowing.

Laughing, he says, “Well, welcome to the club. We all see what they refuse to. Someday, I have to believe they will finally break down that wall.”

I purse my lips, thinking it over for a moment. Finally, I shrug. “I hope they do because I like her. I like her for him. He deserves someone in his corner,” I remark.

“He sure does, darlin’,” he sighs sadly.

When we get downstairs and into the main room, we find it full of people. Mostly burly bikers that are talking loudly and drinking beer. I don’t see my guys anywhere, but Colton nudges me towards the hallway that goes to Gabe’s office.

Once we get inside the office, we find my guys, Gabe, Stone, Axe, Nerds, and now Colton and me.

Walking over to the opposite side of Gabe’s desk where Ryker and Cade are leaning against the wall and Grayson is sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk, Cade immediately snags me around the waist and pulls my back against his chest. Standing between his legs, I lean back against him as Gabe starts talking.

“Okay, we are just waiting on Vance and his guys to get here, and then we’re going to hold a meeting. We’ll be doing it in the main room, so anyone who isn’t needed needs to go elsewhere soon.”