Ryker chuckles and tosses his arm around Harley’s shoulders. “Someone has enjoyed setting things on fire.”
Harley shrugs. “Fire is pretty. And very satisfying to watch. Especially when it’s burning down something or someone that deserves to be burnt to a crisp.”
Ryker spins Harley away from the house and steers her towards the truck. “Alright, little flame, save those thoughts for when we can actually set shit on fire.”
Chapter Twenty
Now that Gabe has come around to trusting everyone, things have been progressing much faster. The only downside is Grayson has been insanely busy with Nerds, so I’ve barely gotten to see him over the last week. Most days, he comes upstairs in the middle of the night and gets a few hours of sleep before disappearing again. Everyone has tried to help them, but it takes them longer trying to explain things to anyone than just doing it themselves.
It’s been a few weeks since we broke into Tammy’s house and checked it out, and she is still MIA. We have cameras set up around her home, but no one has returned.
Now around keeping up on school and watching the warehouse, we are also preparing to take down the warehouse. Gabe has contacted a few other MCs that are allies and are willing to help, along with the Kings of Hearts. Whatever the fuck they are. I guess they have a past with them, and it wasn’t the greatest, but they have an agreement and work together on occasion, and they’re willing to come help us. Which means Gabe is on edge.
One of the other MCs is staying at the club with us, but the rest of those coming will be lodging in some hotels right outside of Jacksonville to keep eyes off of the club, since a bunch of bikers and gang members coming to town all at once would draw a lot of eyes.
Cade, Ryker, and I just finished up our schoolwork for the week since we try to stay ahead of everything to get done with it sooner. Leaving Gabe’s house, we head back over to the club and upstairs to change since we’re going to go for a run. After quickly changing, I head back downstairs planning to check in on Grayson before we go.
When I reach the tech room, the door opens and Grayson walks out, running a frustrated hand through his hair. Glancing up, he spots me and gives me a tired smile. “Hey, beautiful.”
I grin back. “Hi. Cade, Ry, and I are going on a run, but I wanted to come and check on you first. You alright?”
He closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around me, resting his cheek on my head. “Yeah. We got everything worked out. So now it's just waiting until Rage calls a big meeting with everyone so we can go over the game plan.”
Pulling back slightly, I weave my fingers into the hair at the back of his head. He groans, and his eyes fall shut as he continues talking.
“This is going to be happening soon, though. It looks like all the guards are at the warehouse on Sunday nights for some kind of meeting, so hitting them then would be best so we can take them out all at once. Which means it’s happening in three days.” His eyes pop open, and he studies me closely. “Are you ready for that?”
Nodding, I respond, “Yeah. I’ve been ready for a while now. I know we have to be cautious and have plans, but the thought of the girls being there any longer eats away at me. I’ve stayed busy with school and helping where I can or training, but they’re always on the back of my mind.”
“I get it. It’s hard not to think of what they might be enduring right now,” he whispers.
“Hey, what are you two doing?” Ryker calls from behind us as he comes down the hall.
“Talking,” I snark before asking Gray, "Did you want to join us on our run?”
Before he can answer, Ryker interrupts, “No. He needs to eat something and then go take a fucking nap.”
Raising a brow, I glance at him, where he now stands directly next to us with his arms crossed.
“Don’t give me that look, babe. You know it, too. Running is the last thing he needs.” Ryker turns his eyes back to Grayson. “Seriously. Presley made a bunch of food since people are showing up soon. Go eat something and then go take a nap.”
Grayson tries to hide his smile but fails. “Alright, bossy. I was coming to get food anyway.” He shrugs.
Ryker sighs as we all begin down the hall, “I only get bossy when it comes to you two.”
Saying goodbye to Grayson, Ryker and I head outside and meet Bear and Cade in the yard where we all take off for a nice long run that gets the blood pumping in my veins. I can’t help but think about finally getting to do something this weekend.
I know it isn’t going to pretty, but I am so fucking ready. I need this.
Later that night, I convinced myself to go to Ryker’s room and play the piano. Running my fingers over the keys, a smile stretches over my face knowing that Tammy didn’t get to take this from me. It’s still something between my mom and me.
My fingers glide across as I begin playing a classical piece my mom taught me. Admittedly, I struggle through some of the notes, but the more I keep trying the more it comes back to me and I get it down again.
It'll take time to be as good as I used to be, but with practice I know I’ll get there. Even when it hurts to learn and practice without my mom here guiding me, I know I need to keep playing and learning because it does bring me joy, and it’s a way I can always keep her with me.
As the song comes to an end, the first time I have fully played it through without making a mistake, I breathe deeply and blink my eyes open, not even realizing I had closed them.