Page 65 of Intertwined Souls

The only issue is there is no routine to the cars that pull up, pick up, or drop off someone and then leave. It is completely random. But at least there have been some of the same cars we are tracking and more that we have the license plates of to look into.

“What about Tammy? Did anyone see her there at any time?” I ask Nerds.

He shakes his head. “No. She hasn’t even driven close by. She is out a lot during the day, but it doesn’t appear to be anything suspicious.”

“Can I see?” I ask, walking over to stand behind his desk chair when he nods. He brings up the tracker labeled for Tammy, and he clicks out of the live tracking, bringing up the tracker history. I blink a few times. “Hang on. Go back to the live feed.”

Nerds glances up at me and furrows his brows but switches back. We watch the little red dot moving on the map along the outskirts of Jacksonville.

“What is it? It looks like she’s just heading out of Jacksonville. She does that on occasion,” he says.

“But look.” I point at the screen, just above the direction the red dot is heading towards. “Isn’t that where the warehouse was where David took Harley and Cade to?”

Nerds opens up a new screen on the monitor to his left and brings up the warehouse that Rage, Ryker, and Harley burned down. “Yeah. That’s right where it was.”

“And she’s going directly to it. Has the tracker ever picked up her going there before?”

Nerds clicks a few times and then searches the address on the tracking history for Tammy. He pauses. “No. She hasn’t. Why would she be going there now? That’s her father, right?”

I nod and continue staring at the screen, an odd feeling stirring in my stomach.

“I’m going to find Rage and see what he thinks about this or if it’s worth looking into,” Nerds says as he stands up and walks out. I plop down in his chair and continue watching as the tracker stops right over the address.

My phone dings with a text, so I pull it out of my pocket and smile at the message from Harley.

Ryker is being insanely impatient and whiny. I told him that if he didn’t stop then I would be sleeping in your room tonight and he could sit outside the door and listen to us. ;)

I bet he went silent really fast.

He definitely did. Our tests start in a few minutes, so I’ll see you later!

I can feel the heat running up my neck and onto my cheeks thinking about Harley being with me and us making Ryker listen or even watch.

Shaking my head, I attempt to clear those thoughts and have to readjust my jeans to sit more comfortably. Harley, Cade, and Ryker are currently at the school taking their semester finals. They only have a few months left after they pass these tests until they are completely done and then we can all graduate and move on.

Glancing back up at the screen, I jolt out of the chair and grab the tablet Nerds has sitting on the desk. Powering it on, I bring up the tracker for Tammy and then run out of the office in search of Rage or anyone I can find.

Flinging the door open to Rage’s office, I find him, Sugar, and Nerds talking.

“Grayson?” Rage asks, forehead creasing with worry.

“She’s coming here,” I breathe, holding the tablet up in the air. “She’s on her way.”

Nerds grabs the tablet from my hand. “Grayson, there are plenty of places she could be going on this path,” he says carefully.

I shake my head and lock eyes with Rage. “She’s coming here. I don’t know why, but I just know she is. She was at the burned down warehouse for all of three minutes before she was driving again and is coming directly in this direction. As soon as I saw it, I knew.”

“Alright, say she is. Why would she come now?” Sugar questions, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the wall by the window.

“I have no idea.” I run a frustrated hand through my hair and blow out a breath. “I just have this feeling. Just watch the tracker. She is going to show up here.”

“Okay, Grayson. We believe you. We are just trying to figure out why.” Rage curses under his breath. “We need to find out when Harley and the guys might be back.”

“They just started their tests, so at least two hours. If not longer. But we can text Noah to let us know when they’re on the way since he is there on guard,” I comment.

Everyone is silent for a few minutes as we stare at the tracker moving on the tablet that now lays on Rage’s desk, who shakes his head and leans back in his desk chair. “I don’t get why she would even go there. From what I remember, they didn’t really get along, and he wanted nothing to do with her when my dad was still alive and running this place. Then he just disappeared after my father died, said he didn’t want any part of the pussy club I was creating.”

“Maybe they reconnected in some way?” Sugar muses, hedging a guess.