Ryker gives me a soft smile and nods. Once they are farther away, I look up at Cade, who is already staring down at me.
I clear my throat. “I, uh, I wanted to check in with you because last night you said to go with them, but I don’t know if you know what we did. Or if things are okay—”
My rambling is cut short when Cade wraps his hand around the nape of my neck and pulls me close. Looking up at him, our noses are less than an inch apart. He smirks at me. “You don’t know if I’m okay with the fact that you got fucked last night by two of my brothers?”
I open my mouth, not having expected him to say it like that, but he uses his free hand to press a finger against my lips.
“Everything is fine, baby girl. Don’t let your mind run wild. I told you to go last night. And yes, I knew it was a possibility. It’s something we had talked about previously for whenever you were ready. Unless you tell me that they didn’t satisfy you, which I would have to kick their asses for, then I am not upset.”
He leans closer, pressing his lips to my ear.
“Our time will come, and when it does, we will set the world on fire,” he whispers.
Clearing my throat as I press my thighs together, I stammer, “They satisfied me.”
Releasing me and taking a step back, he smirks at me again. “Good.” He nods towards the back porch of the club, where Ryker and Gray are waiting for us. “We should go.”
I nod, and he takes my hand as we walk to them.
“Harley?” Cade questions right before we get to them. When I meet his gaze, he says, “Never be afraid to talk to us. I know we’re still learning all of this, but if something bothers you or you’re ever worried, bring it up. Okay?”
“Okay,” I respond. Ry and Gray both smile at me, and then we head inside to find Gabe and a bunch of the others waiting in the main room for us.
Based on Gabe’s stern expression and crossed arms, I have a feeling this is about the kid from yesterday. Giving Ryker’s hand a squeeze, I let go as we come to stand in front of Gabe.
“In case you were interested to know, Stone made a call for you last night after you left to cover your fucking asses,” he seethes, glaring at the guys, but he doesn’t even glance at me.
“It was fine,” Ryker sighs, ignoring Gray when he nudges him in the side with a quiet, shut up. “It’s not like the stupid fucker was going to go running to the cops.”
“Really?” Gabe raises his voice tauntingly. “Because he sure as fuck did! You carved shit into his skin, Ryker Anderson! Then you just left him there. I understand that we live different lives than most people do, but for a normal eighteen-year-old, what you did was traumatizing and scary.”
“He said shit to Harley—shit that you wouldn’t have let slide either,” Ryker scoffs.
“I get it. Stone filled us in on it all. And you are right that I wouldn’t have let it slide. But you know what else I wouldn't have done? Just walked off assuming that he wasn’t going to try to get me in deep shit for hurting him. Especially when he saw who I was, knows me, knows where I’m from, and when I represent this club.”
“Stone said he would’ve killed him,” Cade adds on, not helping the situation whatsoever.
“And Stone would’ve contacted us and had it taken care of, not just fucking left him there! You’re missing the point. I’m not mad that you decided to beat some sense into the fucking kid for the shit he pulled. I’m actually proud to hear that you,”—he locks eyes with Ryker—“stopped. You didn’t keep going to the point where the guys had to rip you off to stop you from killing him.”
Sighing, Gabe scrubs a hand down his face.
“The reason I am pissed off right now is because if Stone hadn’t been there to make a call to a contact at the police station to make sure this gets brushed under the rug, you’d be in deep shit right now. Because when our contact made sure he was available, it was just in time because the kids' date drove him to the police station before they even went to the hospital. He was able to interfere and get it dealt with so you get no backlash, but had he not known, you’d probably be in a jail cell right now.”
Noah steps up next to Gabe. “You guys are going to be prospects in a few months’ time. You are going to represent this club even more than you already do since everyone knows you guys live here. Ending up in jail from beating up some punk isn’t giving us the public eye we want. It’s putting us on the radar of people who would use anything to tear us down. And that list is growing right now with everything going on.
“These kinds of fuck-ups can’t happen. If something goes down, you get in contact with someone immediately. You deal with the situation right then and there. No fucking excuse,” Noah lectures them, looking more serious than I am used to seeing him, especially directed at the boys.
“Now be fuckin’ happy you ain’t prospects yet. Otherwise, you’d be lookin’ at some very shitty punishments,” Colton says with a smirk on his face.
“I’m sure they will all fuck up as prospects eventually, so just keep those ideas in the back of your head,” Axe chuckles from where he sits on a couch with Presley tucked next to him.
“We get it. We didn’t think it through that far. It won’t happen again,” Grayson responds with a set jaw.
Chapter Sixteen
Ten guards on rotating duty. Two men in suits who seem to do the processing of the victims. As the club has been watching the warehouse almost around the clock for two weeks now, we have learned the routines of the men who are working here.