Page 34 of Intertwined Souls

Well, that’s if I can get all of this shit down. Gray says I’m caught up and I’m doing exceptionally well for how much catching up I have had to do, but honestly, it’s been so much information I feel like I’ve only retained half of it.

I know I’m doing well since I have passed everything so far and I’m doing my last four classes now, but I probably can’t do any of the math I’ve learned. Not that it matters in the long-run. I doubt I will ever need to use what I learned in fucking trigonometry.

We all glance up as Gabe heads around the corner to the kitchen with a huge grin on his face.

“What’s going on?” I ask, standing up and walking to the opposite side of the kitchen island.

“I have something for you,” he beams, his eyes lighter than I have seen them in months.

After I told him everything about David and how I felt, our relationship changed. We have grown closer, and I think we are forming a bond. It scares the shit out of me and excites me at the same time.

But also after that night, Gabe has rarely ever been happy. He is always working to make this club the safest place it can be and makes everyone learn some kind of self-defense tactics.

He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a white envelope, passing it across the island to me.

I eye it with curiosity as I take it from his hand and look it over. It’s addressed to me and says State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation above the return address.

Glancing up at Gabe with a raised brow, he nods and raps his knuckles on the countertop with excitement.

Ripping it open I pull out the paper, but I don’t read any of the words when I see what is with it. My fucking license. My fucking license with a motorcycle endorsement on it. Which means I can officially ride now.

Colton has spent months teaching me everything I need to know to ride, and Gabe has helped me learn to drive a regular car, so a month ago I was finally able to go take all the tests I needed to get my license and the motorcycle endorsement.

Glancing back up at Gabe, I bounce on my toes, eager to go on a ride.

“You can go. Sugar has a bike ready for you out in front of the club,” Gabe says with a knowing grin before I have the chance to ask. His eyes shine with humor and pride as he watches me.

Smiling widely, I bounce back over to the table and show the guys, who all give me soft smiles while Ryker exclaims, “Fuck yeah, babe.”

Grabbing my phone and jacket, I hurry around the table and peck Grayson on the lips, then Cayden, and lastly Ryker who hooks his hand around the back of my neck and draws out the kiss that is most definitely not appropriate to do with Gabe watching but causes me to clench my thighs together.

Pulling away, I hesitate, staring at Ryker, wanting to go for a ride but also wanting to drag Ryker back into the bedroom. He winks at me and mouths, Later, before he kisses my nose and lets me go.

I’m too excited to wait any longer. Taking off towards the club house, I head inside the back door and speed walk through the main room and out the front door, not even paying attention to anyone who might be around.

As soon as I step out the doors, I freeze mid-step. It’s not just Colton out here, but basically everyone else too. Noah, Axe, Presley, Nerds, Carly, and then Gabe, along with my boys, come out the front door right behind me.

Colton smiles at me and flicks his finger for me to come to him. “Ready to ride, darlin’?”

I smile and nod. He gestures toward the two bikes, and my eyes trace his and then land on a brand new Honda Rebel 300. It’s completely blacked out—engine pieces, frame, and bodywork are all a beautiful matte black. Even the exhaust system is blacked out, giving it a sleek look.

“What do ya think?” Colton asks. “We decided to go with the black-out style so it’s a blank canvas for ya if you ever decide to make any changes or customize it for yourself.”

“I—” My throat closes up, and I have to blink tears away, not wanting to cry in front of everyone.

Grayson steps in front of me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. I turn my face into the crook of his neck as he whispers in my ear, “Breathe, beautiful. I know it probably feels like a lot and is overwhelming, but they are doing this because they love you. Because you deserve it.

“And because this is what you should’ve had all your life. It’s okay to accept it. Don’t overthink it for more than what it is. They, we, all just want to see that breathtaking smile on your face all the time.”

“How do you always know where my mind is going?” I grumble against his neck before pulling back and taking in his mischievous grin.

He shrugs at me, a glimmer in his eyes. “It’s a gift.”

I chuckle and lightly slap his chest before pulling away. Turning around, I find Colton and Gabe a few steps behind us.

“Thank you. I–It’s a little overwhelming, but I love it more than you’ll ever know. It means the world to me.”

“You deserve it, Harley. You have shown us all how determined and strong you are over the last several months. Kicking ass to get caught up in school and taking the time to learn how to drive. I’m proud of you,” Gabe says.