Page 35 of Intertwined Souls

He steps forward but hesitates for a second. Glancing up at his eyes, I give a slight nod, and he moves forward, wrapping me up in his arms. I breathe in his musky leather scent and slowly wrap my arms around him.

He hugs me more often now. He always asks for permission in some way or another, and I have never been able to initiate it myself, but I am coming to really enjoy his hugs. They make me feel safe and warm in a way I’ve never felt before, and it’s different than the comfort I get from hugging Ryker, Cayden, or Grayson.

Everyone tells me congratulations and to have fun on my first ride before heading back inside. The guys all kiss me and return to Rage’s to finish schoolwork. Gabe stays while we get ready to leave, and once I am straddling my bike, I glance at him, the question on the tip of my tongue, but he shakes his head.

“This is for you and Sugar. We will get to ride together many times in the future. Your first ride was always meant to be with your uncle.” He smiles fondly at me.

Nodding, I glance over at Colton. He grins. “Ready, girly?”

“Yes,” I breathe, nerves and excitement coursing through me.

Colton flips down his visor, and I do the same. Then a few seconds later, his voice comes through the small earpiece in the helmet so we can communicate. “Stay next to me, and if you need to stop, tell me, alright girly?”

“Got it,” I respond, and we head towards the gates and out onto the main road.

As we pick up speed, a smile takes over my face. After being locked up and constantly under watch for so long, riding gives me the essence of freedom. It makes me feel alive in new ways, sending a wave of exhilaration through my veins.

Being able to freely ride by myself gives me a sense of control that I think I have always craved. That I need. It gives me time to clear my mind and remind myself of where I’m at now in life, and it is nowhere near the same as what it used to be.

I have control. I have choices. Freedom. Strength. Power.

As we take a sharp curve heading further into the outskirts of Jacksonville, a thrill of adrenaline-fueled excitement sends shivers down my spine as I think of the risk that comes with riding.

A risk I enjoy taking because I can take it. It’s the most peaceful yet powerful feeling.

When we head out of town in the same direction the guys took me when we went to the beach, I let my mind clear and focus fully on the task of riding and having full control over the motorcycle.

Almost two hours later, we find our way back into Jacksonville and head towards Main Street. I’ve only been over here a handful of times but never really stopped.

Colton directs us to a diner on the end called, Hazel’s Soul. He pulls around the side of the building and into the back alleyway where we park and take our helmets off. “How do ya feel?” he asks with a big grin.

“Really good! I don’t think I’ll ever get over how amazing it feels and how freeing it is.”

“I’ve been ridin’ for a few decades, and it still clears my mind and gives me a sense of calm that sometimes is really needed.” He tilts his head at me. “How your legs feelin’?”

I open my mouth to respond as I demount but end up wobbling and have to grip the bike. “Woah. They are tingly and feel like Jell-O.” I chuckle.

He tosses his head back and laughs. “You rode for two hours straight. It’s impressive when you're new to ridin’. But your legs will probably be a little sore for a while.” He starts to walk around the building, waving me on. “Let’s grab a bite.”

Heading inside the small diner, we grab a rounded booth at the front right by the window. There are booths and tables that run along both sides of the walls from the front door. They lead straight back to a counter and what looks like a kitchen behind it. It’s small but very cute and homey.

“Is this the diner the club owns?” I ask, and Colton nods. “Raven works here, right?”

“Yeah. She should be workin’ today.”

A few minutes later, Raven comes out from the back and spots us, heading straight over with a large grin on her face. “Harley! Stone said you were going for your first legal ride today. How was it?”

“It was amazing. A feeling I never want to go away,” I say, beaming up at her.

She nods. “I don’t drive, but when I ride with Stone, it is always exhilarating.”

After she takes our orders and leaves the table, Colton turns to me and asks, “Are you excited to see Bri soon?”

“Yeah, I miss her. I didn’t really think it would bother me as much as it does, but I wish I could just ask her to move here permanently.” I fiddle with the napkin in front of me.

Bri and the guys came a few times over the summer for visits, but it’s now been a couple of months since I’ve last seen them. Brielle finally got her dream nursing job and hasn’t been able to get time off, and the guys have been dealing with changes at the gym that needed their full attention.

Colton inclines his head. “You could always talk to her about it. You know they love Jacksonville,” he reminds me.