Chapter Fourteen - Gage
Six months later
“This is it, bro!” Jake has one foot on third-base, rocking back and forth. “Bring me home!”
I step out of the dugout with my nerves on fire. It’s game six in the World Series, bottom of the ninth inning and we’re tied 5-5 with the Boston Falcons. If I can hit a home run, we’ll win. I glance over my shoulder to where my wife and daughter are sitting. They’re decked out in Bangor Braves T-shirts and hats sitting on the edge of their seats. If I strike out, if I don’t get at least a single, they are going to love me no matter what. They are my home, my oasis, my everything.
But the truth is I want to win this game for them, for the team. I want to be showered with kisses and hugs from my girls. I want to make my family proud.
I pick up the bat, roll the tension from my shoulders and make my way to the plate. I lift my left foot, knock my cleat with the bat buying time to let the adrenaline burning through my system to settle down. As I bend at the waist, lift my arm and start to bring the bat back, the stadium goes deathly quiet.
The pitcher steps onto the mound.
Blood hums past my eardrums. My heart pounding so hard my chest vibrates.
I look over at my daughter.
“You’ve got this, daddy!” She’s on her feet. “I love you!”
The crowd goes crazy. And I can’t wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to. My girl loves me. That right there is better than winning any game.
“I love you too, peanut!” I holler over my shoulder. “This one’s for you!”
The pitcher releases the ball, I take my swing…and…crack! The ball soars into the air. And I take off like a rocket.
Whistles, shouts, stomping feet and claps echo all around me. My thighs burn as I slam my cleat onto first base, round the corner and head to second.
“Go, baby, go!” Out of the wild cacophony, Darla’s voice finds me. My cleat pounds onto second, then third. My chest heaves as I head towards home plate. My teammates are there clapping, waving their caps in the air.
As soon as my shoe hits home plate, Jake snatches me in a bear hug. “I told you this was our year! Way to go, buddy! Way to go!”
When he sets me down, I make a beeline for the stands. I shove my hand into the pocket of my pants and pull out the velvet pouch. I drop to one knee and hold the ring in the air.
Darla’s eyes fill with tears, her trembling hand covering her mouth.
“Darla Gray, would you marry me?”
“Yes!” Lilah jumps up and down. “Yes, she’ll marry you!”
Darla gets to her feet and climbs down over the wall. She throws her arms around me. “Yes, baby. I will marry you.”
I slip the ring on her finger. The kiss she gives me steals my breath while making me feel ten feet tall. I have everything I ever dreamed of. A World Series championship under my belt, a best friend that is really my brother, a smart loving daughter, and a woman that I can’t live without and adore with every fiber of my being.
“There’s just one thing,” she whispers is my ear. “We’re….”
The crowd is screaming so loud I can barely hear her. “What did you say?”
She cups my face in her hands and pulls me down close. “We’re having a baby.”
“Woot! Woot!” Lilah swirls her fist in the air. “I’m going to be a big sister!”
My eyes pop. “We’re…having…a…baby?”
“Yes.” She takes my hand and rests it over her belly. “In about six months.”
Tears burn my eyes. “We’re having a baby.” I whisper.
“Lilah wants a boy.”