Page 23 of One Night Diamond

I cup her chin in my palm, tilting her beautiful face back to me. “Answer the question, baby. How. Do. You. Feel. About. Me.”

She rolls her bottom lip in over her teeth. “Please…”

“Nope.” I shake my head. “I’ve been patient. Your time has run out. Answer the question.”

“I love you.” She whispers.

“What?” I cup a hand over my ear. “I didn’t hear that, Darla? How do you feel about me?” I shout so that everyone behind us doesn’t miss a word.

She defiantly raises to her toes. “I love you!” She hollers. “Happy now?”

“Not yet, hotshot.” I cage her against the wall with my body. “Kiss me like you mean it.” I smirk.

Her mouth drops open. “What?”

“Time’s ticking, baby. Kiss me or I’m about to throw you over that nice walnut desk of yours and show you how much I’ve missed you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”


Her hands grab onto my neck and she devours me with a blistering, hot kiss. When she pulls away, we’re both gasping for air.

“That was a helluva kiss, hotshot.”

“You forced it out of me.” She huffs.

“Well, I thank you.” I lean in close. “I’m sure the rest of the office thanks you, too.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I’m desperately, madly in love with you, Darla Gray. There isn’t anything I won’t do to get you to truly know that.”

“Is that so?”

“It is so.”

“Alright.” She wiggles out from underneath my arm. “Meet us at the Eurasia tonight at six sharp.” She calls out all her wide-eyed co-workers. “My boyfriend is taking us out for dinner!”

She turns back to me with a sugary smile. “You said anything.”

“I did.” I reach out and stroke my fingertips over her cheek. “You just have to promise me two things.”

“Again, with the promises.” She rolls her eyes.

“One you will never leave me hanging again. We are a team until our last dying breaths.”

“Oh, my God. You’re going to make me cry.” She lays her head on chest. “I promise.”

“Thank you, Lord.” I kiss the top of her head. “Number two, you’re my dessert tonight.”

“I promise, I promise, I promise.” She looks up at me with a look of pure love that has my blood pumping so hard, I feel lightheaded.

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too.”

I give her one last kiss. Then walk out of the office, strutting like a peacock.