Every ounce of fear I’ve harbored for a decade, evaporates in that moment.
Gage is going to be an amazing father.
All the countless sleepless nights wondering if Gage would fight for custody, turn her against me or hate me for an eternity have all been for naught. It’s not what I see before me.
I see a man bursting from the inside out with love for his daughter.
His eyes shining with pride.
This is our new normal.
And it’s not going to be perfect, but it’s going to be alright.
“Daddy, just told me my surprise! It’s a whale watch!” Lilah shouts. “We’re going on a whale watch, mummy!”
“How fun!” I clap my hands. “Here’s her bag.” I hand it to Gage. “There’s a couple of bottles of water, some fun things for her to do, a sweater in case she gets cold and sunscreen. Don’t forget to put sunscreen on her.”
Gage takes the bag. He sets Lilah down. “See the rack of pamphlets right there?”
“Yup.” Lilah nods.
“Would you go grab the ones with whales on them for me?”
“Sure thing, daddy.” She kisses him on the cheek. “I have a daddy.” She skips and sings across the lobby.
“You’ve raised an amazing girl.” Gage hoists the backpack over his shoulder. “I was worried she wouldn’t accept me. But by the way she keeps looking at me, I worry she thinks I might walk on water.”
“She’s over the moon.” I take out my phone. “Let me give you my number. You can call or text anytime. Ask me anything.”
“Darla?” Gage takes a step forward. “I want you to come with us.”
“No.” I shake my head. “This is your time with her. I don’t want to intrude.”
“It’s not intruding if I want you there.” His soft voice gives me goosebumps. “But only if you want to. I meant what I said last night. I don’t hate you and I want us to figure this out. We’re a family. And families do things together. So, what’d you say, hotshot? You up for a whale watch on the high seas?”
Hearing him call me by the nickname he gave me in college has my chin quivering. “You remember.”
“Babe, there isn’t a thing about you that I’ve ever forgotten.” He tips my chin up. “Say yes.”
“Yes.” I breathe, feeling as though I’ve just been hit by a mac truck.
His smile is instant, huge and bright. “Excellent.” He puts his arm around my shoulders. “Now let’s go get our daughter.”
Chapter Eight - Gage
All night, I lay awake staring at the ceiling thinking about my girls. Dear, God. Every time I even think the words ‘my girls’ my heart squeezes.
In a matter of days, I’ve turned into a marshmallow. They have become my everything. Their happiness is my happiness.
There’s also a part of me that has turned feral. If someone looks at one of my girls the wrong way, I’m taking care of business. No questions asked.
If there’s something my girls need, I’m going to scorch the earth until I find it.
As long as there’s breathe in my body, they will never want or need for anything. I will protect, provide, shelter and love them until my heart stops beating.
I sit up clutching my chest.