Page 14 of One Night Diamond

I’m in love.

Intensely, resoundingly, maniacally in love.

I love Lilah.

I love Darla.

I have Lilah. She’s my daughter and there isn’t anything that will ever change that.

However, I don’t have Darla.

I want till-death-do-us-part with her. And I want it now. There’s just one thing standing in my way…she has to want it too.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I bound out of bed and head for the shower. I am going to give Darla Gray every reason to fall in love with me again. I want her to know that I was the man for her, I am the man for her, and I will always be the man for her. I want her to know it, to feel it and to never doubt it.

The reason she didn’t tell me about her pregnancy was because she did doubt my love for her which means somehow, I missed the mark. For her to believe my career was more important than she was, that it was more important than my own flesh and blood, I had failed.

But I will not fail again.

I am going to sweep Darla off of her feet.

I am going to earn her love.

And I am never going to let her go.

Chapter Nine - Darla

It’s a beautiful night. There’s a gentle ocean breeze causing the flames from the fire pits dotting the beach to flicker. Strands of lights wrapped around the trunks of palm trees give off a buttery soft glow. Island music plays quietly in the background.

Sitting across the table from me, Gage studies me in silence.

“Should we go check on Lilah?” I nervously twirl the straw in my drink. It’s the first time we’ve been together without her.

“Don’t you trust Emily?” His eyebrow hitches.

“Of course, I do.” I huff. “But technically they’re still on their honeymoon. I don’t think babysitting a nine-year old is what newlyweds traditionally do.”

“Tradition?” Gage throws his head back laughing. “They were engaged in two days, married in three. I don’t think they’re going to do anything traditional. Do you?”

“You have a point.” My lip twitches.

“You can smile, you know. I won’t bite.”

“What are we doing?” I blurt. “Why are we here?”

Gage sits back, folds his hands and steeples his fingers under his chin. “Why do you think we’re here?”

“To discuss how we will share custody of Lilah.” My stomach sinks. “You should know you can see her whenever you want. I will never keep you from her again. You have my word.”

“That’s not why we’re here.” Looking into my eyes, he says, “I’m here for you.”

Butterflies whirl through my chest. “For me?”

“Yes.” He reaches across the table to rest his hand over mine. The physical contact makes it hard to catch my breath. “It’s time for us to get to know each other again.”

“What are you saying?” I blink. “We’re not strangers.”

“No, we’re not.” His thumb sweeps across the back of my hand. “Let me put it to you this way…” he tilts his head, “Despite my best valiant efforts, I have never stopped loving you, babe. Never. Now you’re here. I’m here. And I want to see where this goes.”