Sweat trickles down my spine and my stomach threatens to return the yogurt I just ate. This is the moment I’ve dreaded since the day my baby girl was born. I pray she’ll forgive me…
I exhale hard. “About Mr. Harlow…”
“He’s nice. I really like him.”
“I’m glad, sweety.” I sit on the edge of the bed. “He likes you too. Come sit next to me.” I pat the mattress.
Lilah skips across the tile. “Is everything okay?”
Children are so perceptive. “I think so, peanut.” I take her hand in mine. “I want to talk to you about your father.”
“My father.” Her eyes open wide.
“Yes.” I squeeze her hand, take in a deep breath and full of nerves I blurt, “Mr. Harlow is your father.”
Lilah tips her head to the side, purses her lips then jumps off the bed and runs to the mirror hanging over the dresser. “I have his eyes.” She raises up on her toes. “And maybe his lips. I definitely have your hands and your nose, though.”
Shocked, my mouth drops open. “You’re not upset?”
“No.” She spins around. “My birthday wish has finally come true.”
“You’ve been wishing for your father?” Tears sting my eyes as my throat tightens. I had no idea.
“Every year.” She nods. “And now he’s here.” She runs over and gives me a hug. “Now I have everything I want. I have you. And now I have a daddy.” She leans back. “Can I call him daddy?”
“I think he’ll like that.” I smother her with kisses. “You are the best daughter in the entire world. I was worried you would be upset.”
“I’m not upset.” She giggles. “I’m really, really, really, happy. Now I have a whole family. Can I see him?”
“Yes, baby. He’s waiting for us downstairs.”
“Is he my surprise?”
“Nope. It’s something else. Your father wants to tell you himself.” It sounds so strange to say it out loud.
“I’m getting a surprise.” She sings. “I’ve got a daddy.”
The weight of the world lifts from my shoulders. The edges of my lips lift up in a real smile. I had absolutely no idea how this was going to go. But as I watch Lilah flit about the room bursting with happiness, I feel relieved and at peace. The hardest part is over.
Now we just have to find our new normal.
When the elevator doors open, Lilah dashes across the lobby floor with her arms open wide. “Daddy!”
Gage jumps to his feet, his eyes searching mine. I give him a nod to let him know everything is okay. Lilah leaps into the air. Gage snatches her up with relief written all over his face.
Poor guy. He’s probably been sitting down here for hours wondering what Lilah’s reaction to the news would be. When I he flashes me a big toothy grin, I see a glimpse of the boy he once was.
I hang back to give them some privacy. It’s the least I can do considering all the pain I’ve caused. My phone pings.
“I’m thinking of you. You’re doing the right thing. But I also know you, too, like the back of my hand. Stop beating yourself up! What’s done is done. Get your head out of the past! Build on the future. Look at what’s in front you. I love you, girl.”
“Sweet Emily.” I sniffle. When did she get so smart? I send her a thousand swirling heart emojis and tuck my phone away. Then I take a long, hard look at what’s in front of me.
My beautiful daughter glowing with sheer joy.
Gage. Tall, muscular and devastatingly handsome in a plain white T-shirt and turquoise board shorts. The years have been good to him.
Heat flashes across my cheeks as he shoots me a wink. Every woman in the lobby with a beating heart is gawking at him. However, he only has eyes for Lilah.