“Yeah. Twice, actually. But she gave me another chance, and I count my blessings every single day. She is my person, and now she’s having our baby. We couldn’t be happier.”

Kenny looked down at his lap, processing what Jonas was saying.

“Maybe Cleo is your person. You won’t know if you don’t try,” Jonas continued. He nudged Kenny with his shoulder.

Kenny gave him a small smile. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right.”

Jonas cleared his throat and sat up a little taller. “Now, the reason I’m here is not to give relationship advice.”

“Right,” laughed Kenny.

“Time to pay up. As much as Kev deserved what he got, we still have to abide by the rules.”

Kenny stood up from the couch and walked to the entryway table of his condo. He opened a drawer and pulled out a checkbook. Jonas was here to collect the fine for breaking the “no violence” policy. Regardless, Kenny felt thankful that he had not lost his place on the team. Sure, he had to sit out for a few games, and he had a hefty fine to pay, but it was worth it.

He sat down next to Jonas and scribbled the amount on the check. He signed it before handing it to Jonas.

“I wanted to say thank you again for not cracking down harder on me,” said Kenny.

“Let’s just not have it happen again.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jonas stood from the couch, and Kenny walked him to the elevators.

“Don’t forget what I said,” said Jonas before the doors closed.

Kenny smiled to himself. Even though this seemed like an impossible situation with Cleo, Jonas had made him feel better. His boss was actually a big softie. Maybe he was right. Maybe Cleo was his person. Since meeting her, despite the messiness, he had a lingering feeling that she was different from anyone else. There was something special there.

Kenny glanced at his phone for the time. It was just after seven. It was Friday, which meant she was probably working at the bar tonight. He knew she was too good of a person to just leave town and leave the bar empty-handed. There was no point in going over there. He probably wouldn’t be allowed in. If they kicked out a very pregnant Mae, there was no way he was getting in. Despite this, he did feel better that at least she would be protected from Kev. As nice as Bridget was, she seemed like a mama bear. He would have to wait until she was off.

He had several hours to wait, so Kenny made an easy dinner and sat at the kitchen table to eat. He had just picked up his fork when Nico walked in.

“Something smells good.” He sniffed the air and looked around curiously.

“I made spaghetti.” Kenny shoveled a forkful in his mouth.

“You cooked?” Nico walked over and lifted the lid of the pot, looking inside.

“Help yourself,” said Kenny around a mouthful.

Nico grabbed a bowl and filled it to the top. He came and sat next to Kenny, then took a big bite and gave Kenny an impressed look. “This is actually good.”

“You can’t really mess up spaghetti.”

“Yeah, you can. Trust me.”

Kenny laughed.

Nico lifted his fork to his mouth. “So, what’s up? You’re cooking and staying in on a Friday night?”

“I’m just trying to kill time. Distract myself. I’m going to go see Cleo later.”

“Mmmm.” Nico looked at him skeptically.

“Jonas told me she’s moving back to Indiana,” Kenny admitted.

“And you’re going to try and stop her…?”