He opened the door and led Mae out, closing it behind them. Cleo was alone again. She hugged her knees to her chest and replayed everything that had just happened. Kev had paid for what he did. He had been kicked off the team. These people she wanted nothing to do with had gone up to bat for her, without even hearing her side of the story. She shook her head before burying her head into her knees.
Kenny had figured it out. He had been so worried about her that he had put it all together. For a moment, she felt guilty for ignoring him. He had fought for her and paid the price, but at least he was still on the team. She was happy he hadn’t been punished too harshly. She would never forgive herself if he lost out on his dreams. If one of them had to give up on their dreams, she was glad it was her. Not him.
She had the urge to text him or call him. She wanted to hear his voice. She wanted to know if he was okay. More so, she wanted him to wrap his arms around her and erase the memories of Kev’s hands on her. She wanted to feel his lips on hers and wipe away the thought of Kev’s gruffness. She wanted him to lie over her like a blanket and make everything okay. She thought she would never want to be touched again by a man, but suddenly the thought of Kenny holding her was the only thing she wanted.
But he had done enough for her, and she had messed up his life enough in the few months of knowing each other. It was better to fight her urges and keep her distance. Everything was too complicated. It was complicated even before the party. It was time to move on.
At least she could move back to Indiana knowing that Kev got what he deserved, and she had a small amount of justice for what he did to her. She did feel sad thinking of leaving Boston and everything behind. Her job. Her best friend. Her dream of owning a bakery in the big city. Kenny, the first guy who had made her feel something. Especially now that she knew she had the support of everyone, it made it that much harder. But she had made up her mind.
Chapter 26
“Wait. She’s moving?” asked Kenny, raising his voice.
Jonas put his hands up, mocking defense. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
“I can’t believe it.” Kenny shook his head slowly as he processed this new information.
Cleo was moving. She was leaving Boston and heading back to Indiana. With all that had happened, Kenny still hadn’t gotten through to her. She never texted him back. She never called him back. He knew he would not be welcomed at the bar. The small hope he had left was starting to diminish even more now that he knew she was leaving. He didn’t know when, which was troublesome.
“Mae and I tried to talk to her. Let her know we’re on her side,” explained Jonas.
“And? How was she?”
“The girl was a mess. As she should be. Mae cried on the way home because she felt so bad. Her pregnancy hormones aren’t helping either.”
Kenny ran his hands through his hair as he thought about Cleo. She must be so scared after what Kev did to her. He had half a mind to beat his ass again, but it wouldn’t accomplish anything other than satisfy his anger that kept bubbling to the surface. Kev would never play ball again, at least not professionally. He got what he deserved.
Still, hearing how Cleo was struggling didn’t make Kenny feel any better. He tried his best to push away the images of what Kev did to her at the party, but his imagination got the better of him. It made him sick to his stomach. If this was how he felt, he couldn’t imagine how she felt. Being hurt by him, being assaulted by Kev, and not being able to get her baking business off the ground. It was a lot for one person. It made sense that she wanted to go back to the comfort of home and try to heal.
“I know you’re worried about her. Why don’t you talk to her?” asked Jonas.
“I’ve tried. Believe me. She won’t text me back.”
“Then go over there and see her.”
“Yeah, I should. I just don’t want to scare her.”
Jonas studied him for a moment. “Mae told me she sensed something was going on between you.”
“Really?” asked Kenny, surprised.
“She said it was something in the way Cleo asked about you. She was worried about you after she heard what happened between you and Kev. Mae picked up on a vibe that you two were more than friendly.”
Kenny shifted in his seat. He felt a little uncomfortable talking about his love life with his boss, but after what he did for Cleo, he was starting to feel more like a friend.
“Mae was right.”
Jonas raised his eyebrows, inviting Kenny to tell him more.
“It started off friendly, but then it turned into more. Then, of course, I had to go and screw it up. Now everything is so complicated.”
Jonas waited a moment before speaking.
“You know…Mae and I didn’t have the easiest start either. She will be the first to tell you how badly I messed up.”
“Really?” Kenny didn’t know about their history, so this was news to him. They seemed like such a solid couple. So in love.