“Let’s just say he eventually got the truth out of Kev.”
“In a way I don’t condone,” interjected Jonas.
“But it was very valiant,” said Mae, nodding.
“What do you mean?” asked Cleo.
“Let’s just say Kev has a broken nose and a black eye,” said Mae, almost proudly.
Cleo gasped and raised a hand to her mouth in surprise. He had fought Kev? For her? She suddenly felt very worried for Kenny, especially knowing how Kev could be.
“Is Kenny…” she started.
“He’s fine,” said Mae, finishing her question with reassurance. Suddenly, a knowing look crossed over Mae’s face as she gave Cleo a small smile. She knew there was more to the story between her and Kenny. Cleo looked away shyly, as she felt her cheeks turning red.
“I want you to know we have a policy against violence,” said Jonas seriously.
Cleo shot him a worried look. Had Kenny been kicked off the team? For her? Did he just ruin his dreams?
As if reading her mind, Jonas continued, “Kenny is still on the team, but he is benched for the next few games and there was a heavy fine he had to pay.”
Cleo bit her lip nervously. He was in trouble, but he was still on the team.
Jonas continued, “But more importantly, Kev is off the team. As much as we don’t condone violence, sexual assault is a non-negotiable.”
“Wait, really?” she asked softly.
“Of course. I’ve contacted every owner in the business and let them know of his transgressions. He won’t play again.”
Cleo felt her eyes beginning to tear up. They believed her, and they did something about it. She wanted to rush over and hug them, but she remained quiet in the comfort of her armchair. Her thoughts were swirling around her head as she tried to grapple with what they were telling her.
“I want to apologize for the actions of one of my players. He does not reflect who we are as a team or an organization,” said Jonas, sitting straighter. Cleo could tell he was an honest businessman. She felt she could trust him, which was hard for her to do, given recent events.
Mae pulled herself from the couch and walked over to Cleo. With some effort, she knelt down next to the armchair. She took Cleo’s hands gently and gave them a squeeze.
“I am so sorry that happened to you, and at one of my parties. I just can’t even bear the thought of it,” she said.
Cleo nodded shakily and looked down at Mae, whose eyes were watering.
“I can’t even imagine what you’ve been going through. I know this is a lot to think about, and I don’t want to put any more stress on you. But if you want to press charges, please know that you have our full support. I will be your witness.”
This was suddenly so overwhelming. Cleo shut her eyes. When she did, she saw Kev’s face against hers. Felt his tongue down her throat. Then she imagined Kenny confronting him. She wondered if he was hurt at all. Then she thought of seeing Kev’s face again in court, staring at her with his uncomfortable, piercing gaze. She felt short of breath. It was all too much.
“I’m fine,” she blurted out, pulling her hands away and recoiling from Mae.
Mae looked at her with surprise.
“I’m actually moving back to Indiana. Away from all of this.”
“Cleo,” Mae started. She looked hurt.
“Look, I appreciate what you’ve done for me, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Please.”
Jonas stood slowly from the couch and walked over to help Mae to her feet.
“Come on, honey. Let’s give her some time to process.” He led Mae to the door.
Before opening the door, he turned and said, “Please let us know what you decide about pressing charges. We stand with you no matter what.”