Chapter 25


Cleo stood at her kitchen counter, mindlessly whisking brownie batter in a mixing bowl. Since she had unexpectedly quit the bar, she went back to the one thing she knew: Baking. Her heart was broken from leaving Bridget hanging, but it was a small price to pay. In the end, the bar needed the team. She knew Kev wouldn’t be allowed back, but the bar needn’t suffer because of her.

Everyone at Murphy’s had become Cleo’s family. The other bartenders. The cooks. Bridget. Especially Bridget, who had so much on her shoulders since taking it over for her father. The bar was his pride and joy, and now hers. She didn’t want to see a sick man sad when his business dipped. It wouldn’t be right. Even though Bridget said they would make it work, Cleo could see the trickle of doubt on her face.

Bridget had been calling and calling, but Cleo ignored the calls. Eventually, she knew she would have to answer and tell her she was serious about quitting. She just needed to get her wits and strength about her to actually stay firm in her decision. She had to tell her she was moving back to Indiana. Giving up and going back to the safety of home seemed like her only choice. She had no job and her dream of opening a bakery seemed further away than ever.

Just then, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Kenny. Again. She glanced at the notification on her screen:

Please answer me, Cleo.

She stopped whisking and hung her head, allowing the tears she had been holding back to fall freely. She had been ignoring him, too. He had called and texted. She knew he was worried about her and wanted to make things right. She could tell from his messages, but she just couldn’t bring herself to talk to him.

The truth was, she felt like a failure and she was embarrassed. She also felt empty inside since Kev had forced himself onto her. He had taken her power away. She hadn’t talked to anyone about that part because she felt a mixture of fear and stupidity for letting him do that to her. Not that she had much of a choice. She hadn’t even told Elle the truth. As much as her best friend pried, Cleo had lied and said it was too painful to see Kenny at the party, and that’s why she left so suddenly. She didn’t know why she couldn’t open up about it. Deep down, she knew what Kev did to her wasn’t her fault, but she still felt like a fool.

Just then, she heard a knock at her door, startling her. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Cleo wiped her tears away with the back of her hand before walking slowly and quietly to the living room. She didn’t want anyone to know she was home. Carefully, she peered through the window and saw a car she didn’t recognize in the driveway. A nice one. For a moment, she felt the familiar fear rise inside her thinking it was Kev, but then she heard a woman’s voice through the door.

“Cleo. It’s me, Mae. Please open up.”

Cleo let out a slow breath of relief that it wasn’t who she feared. She hesitated, though. She had told Mae to stay away. Why was she here? How did she know where she lived? Cleo reluctantly unlocked the door as she wondered when this woman would get the hint. She opened the door slightly and poked her head out. Mae was standing there, and to her surprise, Cleo saw her husband, Jonas, standing there too.

“I really wish you would leave me alone,” said Cleo, shaking her head.

“I know, and we will after this. I promise. But…” Mae looked at Jonas for support.

“We need to talk to you,” said Jonas, giving her a reassuring nod. “Can we please come in?”

Cleo sighed and stepped back, pushing the door open and allowing them space to enter. Mae waddled past her and Jonas followed behind with his hand gently placed on his wife’s back. Cleo motioned for them to sit down on the couch. Mae eased herself down with Jonas’s help before he took the seat beside her. Cleo took a seat across from them in her favorite armchair. She looked at them sternly.

“Look, I already told you that I have no interest in working for you or for anyone else you might know.”

“That’s not why we’re here,” said Jonas.

“Then why are you here?” Cleo looked between them, confused.

Mae reached for Jonas’s hand and held it tightly before looking at Cleo with sadness in her eyes.

“We heard what happened at the party.”

“What did you hear?” Cleo couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did they know?

“What Kev did to you,” said Mae softly.

Cleo’s mouth opened slightly. This was the last thing she was expecting. “What? How did you find out?”

“It was Kenny, actually.”

Cleo felt her heart speed up just hearing his name. “Kenny?” she asked, confused.

“He had his suspicions. Poor guy was really worked up about it, according to my brother. He hasn’t been himself lately,” said Mae.

“Oh.” Cleo fiddled with her thumbs. Kenny knew. No wonder he was trying to get hold of her so insistently. And he knew her mouth had been interlocked with Kev’s. Involuntarily, of course. It made her shudder. She sat in silence as she waited for Mae to continue.

“Kenny went and found Kev as soon as he put everything together.”
