Justin gave him a knowing smile before looking at Cleo, who was busy behind the bar. Kenny shook his head at him as if telling him not to say anything. Sure, he found Cleo intriguing, but he didn’t need the guys knowing that. They wouldn’t get it. They were more into the busty blondes who wanted to have a good time. He wasn’t in the mood to be taunted for his eye for the curvy, brunette, quiet type.
Justin nodded as if he got the message and leaned back in the booth, finishing the rest of his beer.
“So, it’s cool then?” Nico looked at Kenny questioningly.
“What’s cool?”
“If we have the party at our condo?”
“Yeah, sure. That’s fine.”
Kenny liked Mae. She came around a lot because she was Nico’s sister, but she was nice and humble. She was normal, despite being married to the team’s owner, Jonas. He was one of the wealthiest men in the city, but Mae didn’t act like some trophy wife. Even though she was seriously pregnant, she still worked long hours at Pathletics, the athletic line she ran alongside Nate.
Kenny wondered if he would be at the party and took a big swig of his drink. He would deal with that when the time came. Even though he would see his long-lost brother in passing sometimes at games, they hadn’t been stuck in the same room together since Kenny found out. It wasn’t really a position he wanted to be in, but he couldn’t avoid it, especially if the party was at his place.
“Cool. It won’t be too big. I have pretty much everything planned. Chad hooked me up with a private bartender. Jonas gave me some suggestions for her favorite restaurants to cater. I just need someone to bake a cake or five. I swear Mae has triplets in there with how many sweets she’s been eating,” said Nico with a laugh.
“I don’t even know why you’re throwing her a party, anyway,” said Kev, rolling his eyes.
“Uh, because she’s my sister,” Nico shot back.
“Still, it’s not like she needs anything now that she’s married to Jonas. She snatched him up real quick when he took over the company.”
“Watch it, man,” said Nico sharply, glaring at him.
“Settle down, boys,” said Chad warily. “Kev, maybe you should just stop talking.”
Kev leaned back in the booth and finished his beer with a sneer.
“I know a baker,” said Kenny suddenly, something clicking in his head.
The team looked at him curiously.
“You do?” asked Nico.
“Sure!” Kenny looked to the bar and waved at Cleo. She looked up from drying glasses and raised a confused eyebrow.
Kenny didn’t know what he was doing. The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them and his hand shot up involuntarily, but now it was out there. He wanted to help her, especially after what he witnessed at the café earlier in the day. He figured she could use a pick-me-up.
He watched as she set down a glass slowly and looked behind her nervously as if making sure he was waving to her. Kenny nodded assuredly and kept waving for her to come over. He watched as she wiped her hands on her apron and looked around the bar as if for help. She lifted the bar door and ducked underneath it before making her way to their booth.
Kenny turned to Nico. “See? A baker.”
“Excuse me?” she asked, clearly confused.
“Nico was just saying how he needed someone to bake a cake for his sister’s birthday party. I remembered last week how you mentioned you bake.”
He avoided bringing up seeing her at the café because he didn’t want her to feel embarrassed.
“I… uh… well, yes. I do bake, but I…” Cleo stammered. She clearly didn’t like being on the spot.
“Can you make a red velvet?” Nico asked.
She swallowed nervously. “Yes. Yes, I can.”
“What else can you bake? See, she’s pregnant and is craving everything.”
“Um, I do cookies, cake pops, French pastries, cupcakes. Really anything.”