Nico nodded enthusiastically. “Perfect.”

“Are you sure you want to hire me? Just right on the spot like this?” Kenny wished he could will her to have more confidence.

“That’s okay. My boy, Kenny, here says you’re a baker. That’s good enough for me.” Nico put his arm around Kenny and gave him a shake, as the rest of the team smiled knowingly at him. He realized he had sold himself out.

Cleo nodded nervously.

“What was your name again?” asked Nico, finally letting go of Kenny, who was squirming.

“Cleo.” She smiled softly, and Kenny could see it was genuine, maybe even excited.

“Can you meet tomorrow to go over menu ideas?” asked Nico.

“Um, sure. I can do that.”

“Come by the Trillium condos at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Just tell the doorman you’re there to see Nico Klein.”

“I’ll be there.” Cleo looked at Kenny quickly. Her eyes seemed to be dancing. She gave him a little nod as if to say thank you before walking away. He watched her for a moment before turning his attention back to the table, where his teammates’ eyes were boring into him.

“Soooo…Cleo, huh?” asked Chad with a grin.

“What?” Kenny shrugged.

“What he says.” Nico laughed.

“You’ve got a thing for the Pillsbury dough girl.” Kev sneered.

Kenny swallowed hard. As much as he wanted to punch Kev in the face, he kept his cool. “She’s a baker. You needed a baker,” said Kenny nonchalantly.

“Suuuure.” Chad nodded sarcastically.

Kenny chugged the rest of his beer and waved at Bridget, who was dropping drinks at the table over.

“Can we get another round of beer and some tequila shots?” he asked as she sidled up to the table.

“Coming right up.” She winked.

“I thought you were taking it easy tonight,” asked Justin, giving him a curious look.

“I changed my mind.”

He didn’t want anyone asking him any more questions or making a big deal out of nothing. Because it was nothing. He was just helping out someone who needed it. Yes, she had brown doe eyes and a behind he wanted to dig his fingertips into, but he wasn’t going to get involved. He just wanted someone fun for a night, not someone for life, and she was definitely someone for life. Just not his someone.

Bridget came by with a tray full of drinks and the team cheered. Kenny shot his tequila back and chased it with his beer.

“Thatta boy!” shouted Chad, following suit.

The rest of the night consisted of more drinks and, much to the liking of the team, a bachelorette party that walked in the doors.

“It’s our lucky night, boys!” cheered Kev, as Bridget led the group of seven women to a nearby table.

While the rest of his teammates ogled over the bride-to-be and her friends, Kenny snuck in a glance at Cleo, who was busy writing something down behind the bar. She bit her lip as she concentrated. When she was finished, she tucked the pencil behind her ear and smiled to herself. Kenny couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking.

Squeals of laughter coming from the table next to them broke him from his thoughts. The bachelorette party was squeezing into their booth.

“I don’t think there’s enough room for us,” one of them said, giggling.

“We’ll make room,” said Chad confidently. “Or you can just sit on our laps.” He patted his thighs as one of the bachelorettes squeezed in and sidled up on his lap. The rest of them followed suit, except for the bride-to-be, who sat on the top of the booth.