My brain switches from sex to the imminent danger just outside.

I pull out a couple of bills from my wallet and toss them on the counter, then without a second glance at the woman, I head toward the exit.

My heart is beating fast.

It has been so long since there has been a disturbance in our town.

The moment I step outside though, I immediately know something is wrong. The scent of blood assaults me, kicking all my senses into high gear.

I follow the smell, the full moon illuminating my path.

Damn it! I was really looking forward to a chill night.

I take off in a run, rounding the corner before I come to an abrupt stop. The sight in front of me churns my stomach.

“You!” I gasp.

The black-haired girl from earlier looks up at me. There is a lifeless wolf on the ground, and her blood is splattered all around her.

Standing next to the obviously dead wolf, is the black-haired girl whose clothes are covered in blood.

Even so, she looks beautiful, the moon reflecting light on her pale skin. Blood is dripping from her lips, her eyes are bloodshot, and her hair is a mess. Her fingers are slick with the wolf’s blood, and as I came upon her, she was licking the blood off a metal stake.

By appearances, the stake was the weapon she used to kill the wolf.

In all my twenty-nine years, I never thought I would come face-to-face with another vampire. My last experience with her kind was when I was four, and that didn’t go so well.

My nails turn into claws. This is what I have been training for my whole life.

“Drop your weapon. NOW!”

Chapter 3


Iclutch the metal spike, my knuckles white, heart pounding like a drum in my chest.

The guy in front of me is a damn giant. He has to be at least 6' 4", as his tall frame towers over the parking lot.

He has anger etched on his face and claws peeking out of his hands. Another damn wolf!

And I just survived a wolf attack.

What the fucking hell is this?

I am not even going to hazard reasoning with him. He looks pissed.

I can’t risk it again.

I eye him cautiously, recognizing the guy from the bar, with the gray eyes.

He is the one I had bumped into earlier. The same person who had almost driven me crazy with blood lust. He looks at me and then the corpse beside me.

Then he zeroes in on the metal spike in my hand.

I thought he was hot, his gray eyes peering down at me, but by the looks of it, I might be in serious danger. Even his stance is scary. This is not the incompetence of Mia’s pack.

This guy might actually kill me.