Life has a twisted sense of humor.

He snarls angrily, “Why did you kill the wolf?”

I glance at the spike, then at him. I can’t drop it. I picked it up when I thought the other wolves would attack, but all they did was glare murderously at me before getting on their motorbikes and fleeing.

I wanted to leave but my limbs still felt too heavy.

I should have dropped the spike and fled too.

I know that now.

He takes a step forward. I can still hear the steady thrum of the blood in his veins, but out here, in the cool, chilly air, I can smell something else. Something like garlic.


I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “Look, I already took out one of you. I am not afraid to defend myself again.”

He squares his shoulders as he takes another step forward. “Let’s try that again. Why did you attack the wolf? I won’t ask a third time.”

His white teeth are gleaming in the night. I can feel my legs begin to shake.

I can’t die like this.


“Mia attacked me, okay? I was minding my business when she and her pack decided to target me. I am the innocent one here.”

“A vampire? Innocent?” he scoffs. “All I see is a dead wolf. You have breached the treaty, and vampires are not welcome here. So, you better start talking before I rip your head off.”

There is so much venom in the threat. I don’t doubt his sincerity.

For a fleeting moment, my older brother’s words come to mind. I should have stayed with my family, my coven. They would have protected me.

If I die here tonight, no one will ever know what happened to me.

My eyes are locked with his piercing gray eyes as he takes another step. His intense stare is unnerving.

My fingers flex around the metal pipe before I slowly crouch to the ground, putting it down. Maybe if he sees that I am no longer a threat, he will relax just enough for me to get away.

But the snarl on his face tells me that I’ve just made a mistake. I am now unarmed and facing someone who is going to kill me.

I stand, running a hand through my matted hair. My hands are covered in blood, and I try my best to ignore that fact.

“Listen, man, let me go. I’ll leave your territory.”

“I can’t let you do that. You have to face the council to answer for this murder.”

Fuck no!

The council is the one thing I fear more than the wolf’s bite. Its members are biased and made entirely of creatures that want my kind to be wiped off the face of the earth.

If I stood before them, the only option I would be facing is death.

I am not dying at their hands, not like my parents did. Oh, hell no!

He moves forward another step towards me when there is a sudden commotion inside the bar.

Then, there is the cacophony of voices and merriment as the humans begin exiting the bar.