But now…

“What can I get you?” the bartender asks.

“How about a whisky with a side of lime.”

“Coming right up…”

I look around the bar, which surprisingly doesn’t seem to have a name, trying to see if there is anyone who will catch my eye.

I usually frequent this human bar from time to time for nights when I need to take the edge off. Most times, I end up in bed with a human, but sometimes, I come across a wolf who’s just passing through town, and we end up having a good time.

After the week I’ve had, I really need to let off some steam. And getting my rocks off with a pretty human female this weekend will help me get through next week.

The place is pretty chilled tonight. The deejay is playing some slow tunes and there aren’t many people dancing.

The ones drinking are greater in number, of course.

No one catches my eye, though.

Then my thoughts return to the girl from earlier. Something about her had stirred something in my chest, but she had left so quickly, like I had spooked her or something.

My eyes sweep the bar, hoping I will see her black hair lurking in a corner somewhere, but when I see no one, I assume she has already left for the night.

She did seem to be in a hurry.

Just my luck.

I return my attention to my drink and take a tentative sip, letting the liquid warm me from the inside.

Then I feel eyes on me.

I look to the left to see a pretty blonde girl. She is clearly making eyes at me as she swirls the straw of her pink drink.

She has on a tight, red dress with cleavage so deep, I am surprised her breasts are not falling out.

She winks at me, and I feel my cock stir in my pants.


I lift my glass to her and she does the same.

Seems I am taking the edge off after all. I call the bartender and ask him to get her a second drink of whatever she is having.

Then I take a deep breath. I know this dance.

I have done this before. Usually, I walk over to them and say something charming. They will laugh. I will ask about their day. We will discuss our interests—most of them are excited when I tell them that I am a chef—then we get a hotel room where we get lost in each other for a few hours.

I can feel my cock jolt in anticipation.

The woman’s blue eyes track my every movement as I rise from the bar stool.

I’ve barely made a step toward her when I am stopped in my tracks by a loud howl.

I know that sound.

There is a wolf crying out for help, and I can tell it is near.

No one in the bar seems moved. There is a forest close by, so the sound is not an abnormal occurrence, but not to me.