Amiri stares down at me as I continue licking and sucking his tip before he sinks a hand into my hair and jerks backward. “I’ll make a mess of you, sweetheart. We all will. I apologize in advance about your dress. I’ll make sure Kolsen buys you a new one.” Then Amiri pumps his cock once, twice, three times before he’s spraying all over my face, neck, and tits. I don’t have a chance to react as Amiri pulls me into his lap so that my back is against his chest and then spears into me.
I gasp, whining when the pressure of that plug resting against Amiri’s cock is just on the verge of too much. “God, that’s… I’m so full.” Amiri chuckles and thrusts up into me again, one of his hands wrapping around the front of my throat as the other begins to slip down the front of my dress to grab one of my tits. A whimper flies from my mouth as Amiri directs my attention to my Omega who’s grunting and pleading for his own release.
His cries fill the nest as Kolsen fucks him like there’s no tomorrow, my beautiful Alpha growling with every punishing thrust. Amiri isn’t one to be left behind though, taking up a similar pace as Kolsen until every part of my body is bouncing. Whines and whimpers fill the space as my pussy clenches around Amiri, an orgasm barreling through me. I scream out his name, Sasha flopping to the nest, his ass in the air as Kolsen pushes his knot inside our Omega.
I groan at the beautiful sight, that ring of muscle slowly widening until Sasha’s ass is stretched so wide, I can’t imagine that’s comfortable. Amiri fills me a second later, his knot fluttering against my entrance. I try to wiggle it in, remembering how it felt inside but he stops me.
Amiri squeezes my tit and leans over my shoulder. “Once we pull out that plug, I will gladly knot you. Being stretched too fast will hurt you.” I nod, still sitting on his cock when Kolsen pulls Sasha against his chest and lays down in the nest so that Sasha is sprawled on top of him. “I think the first wave is over. Sasha will probably sleep for a little bit until he needs more.”
I frown. “How many waves are there?”
“As many as his body needs to satiate his heat,” Kolsen offers. “Since he hasn’t had a heat in a while, we might be here till Saturday or Sunday.”
That’s almost five days.
Five days of nonstop sex.
Of cum and knots and fucking.
I was sort of joking when I thought I’d be crawling out of here Sunday morning. I don’t really think it’s a joke all that much anymore.
Chapter thirty
We’re two days in and my heat hasn’t let up. I thought I might get lucky with my body’s irregular schedule but every time I so much as think of one of my Alphas or Camila, I immediately need someone to fuck it better. I’m not even sure if it’s morning or night when I sit up, everything achy and stiff, our scents thoroughly coating every last piece of furniture and cloth in this room. I don’t hate it but it’s almost stuffy in here.
Kolsen is missing, Camila curled up against Amiri’s chest lightly snoring. It takes me a minute to realize that Amiri fell asleep inside of our Beta, Camila slowly rocking her hips against our Alpha. The butt plug is gone but I can see everything from here. Goddess, that’s a wonderful sight.
Kolsen stalks inside, a worn smile on his face as he places a bowl of fruits and a bottle of water in front of me. I bite my bottom lip at the red marks all over his chest, wondering just how wild I got in the last 48 hours. “Fuck, is that all me?”
He laughs. “Funny enough, no. Camila got a little wild last night when you bit her again. She got so tired between all of us trying to take care of you and fuck her at the same time that she finally gave up and told Amiri to just ‘stick it in’. I think she fell asleep right after. Eat something and then we’ll sleep. Hopefully, we’ve broken the heat.”
The last thing I want to do is eat but I oblige my Alpha, rustling at the edge of the nest telling me that Camila is both awake and about to come. Amiri’s hands are digging into her ass, pushing her farther onto his cock. She makes those sexy little sounds as she buries her head into Amiri’s chest before her body sags and he pushes his knot into her. I watch, enraptured by the way she spreads her thighs to accommodate him, the absolute perfect view to see where they’re conjoined.
The moment is ruined by Kolsen stuffing a piece of pineapple into my mouth and silently daring me to spit it out. Camila twists around and sighs, her eyes focused on me as she channels part of my heat. My teeth marks are sitting high on her neck, my Beta no longer in that dress from two days ago. I’m not sure when it disappeared but I like the view.
“What do you need, sweetheart?” Amiri asks as Camila pulls off his knot a few moments later. She sits up, looking around the nest and then at me again, confusion settling in. “Camila, you need something to ground you, don’t you?”
She reaches up to run her fingers across my temporary bite before whimpering again. “Please.”
I snatch one more piece of fruit before moving closer. “You need a bond. Something to center you. Do you even want a bond? Buttercup, we’ve never talked about this and-”
Camila pushes out a soft laugh, shaking her head. Her wild curls bounce around her shoulders as she moves. “Of course I want them but we’ve known each other for a week.”
“Love, a day, a week, or a year, it doesn’t matter. How you feel makes all the difference. We want you here with us but whether that comes with bonds or just a home, that’s your choice.” Kolsen settles just outside the nest, reaching forward to caress one of her cheeks. Amiri scoots closer until we’ve captured her between us, Camila still a little unsure.
Of course, I have little tact. “Is this a proposal? Because if it is, someone needs to bite her before I lose myself again.” I know that Kolsen will remove himself from this particular moment because my bond with him is very different than Amiri’s. Amiri is all about control and calm and exacting his dominance with pleasure. Kolsen’s bond is a little more wild and chaotic and Camila needs to hear his story before he’s comfortable giving her his bite.
I hope Camila will love him as beautifully as she has been, regardless of his past.
She stays silent for several more minutes before looking up at Amiri. She’s found a safe space with him and I love it. I can’t wait to see her lean on my Alphas even more in the future. I also want to see her hand Teo’s ass to him but that’s for later.
“I never thought I’d find this, mates of my own. I would be honored to have your bites and make this official.” Amiri doesn’t wait as he eagerly pulls her farther into the nest before placing her on her back.
“No, the honor is all mine, sweetheart. Are you sure about this? You can’t take this back.”
“I want this. I want you. I want all of you. If that makes me selfish, then so be it. You said that I’m yours. Prove it.”