Page 51 of Corrupt Me

I’ve caught little whiffs of Camila’s brattiness as she lightly pushes against Amiri and Kolsen’s words. I love it when they are mildly shocked before they ravage her. Just like now as Amiri surges into her, his mouth hovering over her shoulder. At the last moment, he dips his head lower and bites into the top of her breast. Oh, our Alphas are going to prefer her in low-cut shirts and dresses from now on, I can feel it.

I can also feel a new link, that wild spring scent becoming something physical in my head and in my chest. She’s a little bit of chaos and uncertainty, curious and pure at the same time. It’s a perfect feeling and I can’t wait till Kolsen receives that little bit of sunshine too. “It’s your turn next, Kol.”

“If she’ll have me.”

I laugh, pulling him into the nest as I feel the next wave approaching. Damn, I thought this shit was done. “Her heart is big enough for the three of us. Big enough for the whole damn world. That won’t change. Ever.” Kolsen snuggles up against my back, waiting for that next wave to hit. It doesn’t and I’m more than happy to fall asleep feeling all three of my mates’ bonds. Calm control, wild protection, and curious sunshine.

Chapter thirty-one


Sasha’s heat continued for another two days; our Omega coherent during some moments more than others. However, by early Sunday morning, I’m spent. I can barely feel my body as I lay on my side, a mass of limbs tangling around me so that I can’t move. Amiri’s bite helped me keep sane over the last 48 hours but I’m starting to lose my sanity just lying here, letting my thoughts run wild.

“Come on, love. I got you.” I don’t protest as Kolsen scoops me up into his arms and stalks across the hall into Sasha’s other nest. The lack of scents and sex relax me, a mild breather that I didn’t know I needed. “How are you feeling?” He lays down and then pulls me on top of him. The heat from his body is like a warm hug as I press my cheek against his chest. His hands start running up and down my back, soothing me back to sleep before I jolt awake.

“Why didn’t you bite me?” My words are slurred but there’s no doubt that he heard me.

“Wasn’t sure if you wanted both of us. Amiri will always be that anchor in your mind. My brand is a little more chaotic and rough. There are downsides to being my mate, love.”

I scrunch up my face and prop my head up on his chest to look at him. He’s not wearing his patch, as he hasn’t for most of the heat, showing off the entirety of his scar. If Kolsen is only talking about what happened with Sasha, I don’t understand why he’s worried.

Kolsen lets out a heavy sigh as he continues to massage my back. “I am very protective of my mates, Camila. Maybe too protective. I react faster than I can think but I won’t apologize for it. Not with that incident regarding Teo and definitely not the one where I rescued Sasha. That chaotic, animalistic version of me will always be present. If we’re bonded, you’ll feel it. You might even channel it at times. I want you to have that choice.”

“I don’t get it. I saw you with Teo and had it been anywhere else, I would have wanted you to dig your fingers in a little deeper. Sasha told me that you love hard and you protect harder. I can’t be mad at that, Kol. No one else has done that for me.” I’m definitely a little twisted with wanting Kolsen or Amiri to deliver on one of their threats to Teo but that’s a later issue. “You can’t possibly think I don’t want you.”

“Those aren’t the only times, Camila. I-”

I sit up, straddling his waist to catch his attention. His hands fall to my hips as I stare into that expressive blue eye. “Do you want me? Even though I dick-punched and throat-punched my ex-Alpha? I also slapped him. I’ve been disrespectful to Alphas, yelling at my father and-”

“What the fuck? No. You stood up for yourself, Camila. You were perfect.”

I raise an eyebrow, laughing as Kolsen’s expression morphs into anger that I would think such things about myself. “Kol, it’s the same for you. I was standing up for myself. You were protecting the things you loved. Maybe we can find a less violent way for you to release that anger but I can’t fault you for it. I’ll never fault you for keeping me safe. Ever.” I lean down and kiss him, wanting him to truly understand that I’m not going anywhere.

I’m strung out and tired but I need his bite and I want it now. I don’t want to wait any longer because forever isn’t guaranteed. We both have our doubts and our anxieties but they aren’t with each other or this pack. “Bite me, Alpha. Make me yours.”

“I’m not fucking you right now, love. We’re both too tired and I don’t want to hurt you.” I’m about to argue when he slips a hand into my hair to keep me within inches of his lips. “But I will make you mine. Sasha is right. I think we’ve been waiting for you without knowing just who you were. Well, I think Ames knew but no more waiting.” He angles my neck to the side, lips grazing over my shoulder before his teeth sink into my skin.

A whimper pulls from my lips as the pain turns to euphoria and I relax against his chest, content to let my Alpha cement the bond. It’s a strange feeling at first, this chaotic darkness barreling toward me before it mixes with Amiri’s calm control. Sasha is a little more distant than the other two because we can’t be truly bonded but the sensation is perfect. “I can feel you, Kol.”

“You as well, love. You are definitely sunshine to my darkness. Goddess, you’re going to be addicting.” He wraps an arm around my back and pulls me to rest against his side before flipping me over so that my back is against his chest. Then his lips dip to his bite, nursing it the same way Amiri did the past few days. I don’t remember much of it, lost to Sasha’s heat nearly the same way he was but the warmth filling my body as Kolsen sucks on his bite has my lids closing. “We have a few hours before we have to get up.”

“For what?”

“That lovely luncheon you set up. Besides Ethan deserves to see your mother too.”

I groan, wanting to cancel. There’s no way I will have the energy to walk anywhere. Fortunately, I’m too tired to fight as I fall asleep in my Alpha’s arms.

I didn’t sleep nearly long enough but my stomach is rumbling and if I don’t scarf down something, I’ll scream. Untangling myself from Kolsen’s arms was an absolute chore but I managed before fleeing to the kitchen. There are several options from the takeout over the last few days so I settle on Sprite and a few egg rolls. I wander into the guest bedroom with my canvas, staring at the finished portrait. Those few hours had brought the creativity back and I can’t wait to delve into more once things aren’t as crazy.

I dig through my bags that were dropped in here just before Sasha’s heat and find something to slip on. As much as I love waltzing around the house naked, we have to get ready to leave the house. My mind wanders as I snatch my phone off the floor in the living room where I had dropped it and return to the room to plug it in. Surprisingly, it’s hanging on by 1% and when the screen lights up with a new text, I see that there are several missed messages and calls.

All from the same damn number.

Teo’s name runs across the screen and I sigh, taking a seat on the bed and picking up. For him to be calling at 6 am on a Sunday, things have to be serious. “What?”

“Finally, one of you pick up. You’d think you were avoiding the situation. Settle the damn case, Camila. You can’t ruin my life just because you didn’t take up my offer to be my pack Beta. What’s it going to take to close the case?” Teo isn’t just angry. He’s furious and I can hear the growl in his voice. Fortunately for me, after hearing what Kolsen sounds like angry, Teo doesn’t really bother me.

“Money is such an easy way to close it, Teo and I don’t want to do that. You need to understand that it’s more than I just didn’t accept your proposal. You’ve harassed and threatened not only me but Violet. I was hoping you would spend at least one night in jail.” I mentally run through the list of things I need to get done, not caring in the slightest about the rage happening on the other side of the phone.