My hands travelled lower, skimming his abs, pushing his underwear down his big legs. When his huge cock sprang free, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Long and thick and uncut, it was all my wet dreams rolled into one delicious piece of meat. Leo continued to glide his fist up and down the length, pulling back the foreskin each time before sliding up again to cover the swollen pink head.
I refused to wait another second and lowering my face, licked along his length and over Leo’s hands as he went the other way. When the head popped free of its sheath, I took him into my mouth, the taste of his juice making my mouth water as he leaked copious amounts of precum all over my tongue.
“Me, now” Leo urged, and I reluctantly lifted off his slick shaft. Leo took my place and swallowed Mitch down as far as he could, bobbing his head up and down a few times before passing his cock over to me. We took turns sucking on him as Mitch groaned above us, his large hands settling on either side of our faces as we worked him over. My mouth sucking on the head as Leo tongued his balls, before swapping positions, our tongues licking when we met in the middle. Leo’s mouth tasted sweet, innocent, but joined by the deeper musky taste of Mitch, sweat and pine and man, he made for a potent combination.
“I’m close,” Mitch moaned, his fingers moving into our hair, gripping firmly, his declaration only urging us both on. Sucking quicker, harder, we felt his cock swelling, his body tensing, as he began to shoot, plastering our faces and mouths with his release as we eagerly received everything he had. Taking him back in my mouth, I milked his cum, his body heaving and shuddering above me before Leo took over.
We kissed, the taste of him mixing between us. We were surprised a moment later, when Mitch joined us, licking into our mouths, tasting himself, his essence passing from mouth to mouth. My hand found my dick, and I roughly jerked off, needing no more than a few tugs as my climax shot up my shaft and ripped me apart, my vision whiting out as I came over them both, coating Leo’s belly with my release. Seconds later, Leo’s hoarse cry followed as he came, too, his hot cum spurting out of his cock, mingling with mine on his abs.
I collapsed beside Leo, my legs shaking, heart racing from the most electrifying orgasm I’d ever had. Mitch flopped down on the other side of Leo, all of us drained, and sated, the smell of sweat and sex filling the room.
“Christ,” Mitch finally uttered, voice gravelly.
“Yeah, what he said,” I agreed.
“I’ve never, I—fuck. I never even got to take my thermals off.”
Leo and I both began to laugh uncontrollably, finding Mitch’s statement hilarious, neither of us able to contain our joy from bubbling up and out.
“Hey,” Mitch moaned, though his mouth began to twitch too.
After the day we’d had, the moment of lightness brought a welcome sense of relief, and for the first time in forever, I felt totally and utterly relaxed.
I wiped my hand over my face, removing most of Mitch’s cum. “We need a cloth to clean ourselves up,” I said, and sliding off the bed, I padded into the bathroom. Reentering the room a few moments later, I abruptly halted on the threshold, a chill creeping over my skin as I watched the two men I’d had sex with laying together: Leo, cradled gently in Mitch’s big arms, his head on Mitch’s chest; Mitch being so gentle with him, and Leo, for once, allowing himself to be cared for, rather than being the one doing the caring.
It wasn’t lost on me I was the one outside of this tender moment between the two of them. The person not part of their bubble of affection as Mitch whispered something in his ear, making Leo nod. I’m positive they hadn’t meant to exclude me, but still, the familiar pain wrapped itself around my heart and squeezed until I struggled to breathe, every intake of air like shards of ice in my lungs. “Here.” I dropped the damp towel on the bed next to Leo and turned to leave, needing some distance between me and them. “I’ll go get us a drink,” I said, and scurried to the door.
“Gabe?” Mitch queried, but I ignored his question.
“I won’t be a sec.” Heading out of the bedroom, I pulled the door to, not wanting them to see my upcoming meltdown, I barely managed to get through the kitchen and into the rear bathroom as nausea took over, and I started to retch, my stomach desperately trying to release the tightness coiling in my gut.
After rinsing my mouth out in the sink, I glanced into the mirror. I looked exactly the same as a few moments ago. The post-sex glow covering my skin, the tinge of pink over my neck and chest. But my eyes told a different story. Clearly visible was the hurt and pain I usually managed to keep hidden away in the biggest box in the darkest corner of my mind, alongside the fear permanently hovering in the background.
They’d get bored of me and decide I was too much work and not worth the effort and want it to be just the two of them.
I saw the future, plain as day, and had to scrunch my eyes tightly closed to shut out my fears, to try to stuff the feelings back in the box where they belonged. To convince myself this wasn’t a long-term thing we had going on, and I’d be gone soon enough.
Thinking of no longer being here brought me up short, when I remembered Leo and I were supposed to be leaving today anyway, weren’t we? I’m positive Mitch had told us three days, max. Well, day three was mostly over, and, as yet, there’d been no message or phone call saying the bridge had been restored. Maybe with how busy they must be, they’d forgotten to let Mitch know, or perhaps they hadn’t yet completed the repairs.
What if the bridge was still a work in progress, or worse still, what if they’d not even started the work for some reason? How much longer would I be trapped here, forced to watch while Leo and Mitch got closer and closer, and I got pushed further and further away?
Chapter Twenty
“Is he okay, do you think?” I asked Leo as we lay together in my bed. For a guy almost my size, he fit perfectly in my arms, his head resting on my chest, arm low on my waist. Turning his face up to look at me, I was mesmerized again by how vivid blue his eyes were, and how much the striking color glowed, surrounded by the wheat blond of his hair.
“Hmmm.” His bright cornflower eyes clouded with doubt. “I think so but—” He took a quick look at the bedroom door. “—with Gabe it’s difficult to tell.”
I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant, but when the bedroom door reopened, and the man in question entered the room carrying two full glasses of water, my brain went into meltdown. Completely naked, he was an amazing specimen, with every inch of him on display as he walked toward us. His Hispanic heritage gave his skin a deep golden glow, highlighting each and every muscle of his sleek, hair-free body. Defined chest, arms, and shoulders, honed with what must be hours in the gym every single day, bunched and flexed as he headed toward the bed. Tight abs, thick muscular thighs, and a ridiculously low body fat percentage all created a living, breathing sculpture. He walked with an innate grace and confidence I’d never achieve in a million years. Even his spent cock, currently swaying between his legs, was attractive, and I had to pinch myself to believe I’d been allowed to put my hands and lips on him.
Leo’s hitch of breath when Gabe had entered confirmed he agreed with me. When Gabe came anywhere near me, normal function ceased, as his presence filled the whole room, taking all the air away with it.
“What?” he asked, and I reluctantly forced my eyes away from staring at his cock to look up into his face. Another sharp breath and my heart rate increased from a relaxed thump to a rapid staccato beneath my ribs. Fuck, he was gorgeous, and the way I’d grabbed at his head while he and Leo had been sucking me to oblivion had given his usual impeccably styled hair a messy, sexed-out look I could totally get used to.
“You’re beautiful,” Leo husked as I struggled to form words.
Handing us the water, Gabe smiled, and holy shit, my stomach did somersaults. He really had no right to affect a person so much. He almost got away with the facade, too, until I focused on his eyes. Something swirled in their depths I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Like when he’d hesitated before Leo had kissed him, there was a guardedness in them, a barrier he tried to hide. I wondered why, and what he felt the need to defend himself from?