“Says the blond Adonis.”
Looking down at Leo, I noticed he blushed adorably at Gabe’s words, giving my heart another little jump. I needed to be careful here with these two men. Two men. My heart sped up some more. Shit, I’d had probably one of the best orgasms of my life with two men!
And as I guessed it would, the guilt began to kick in, flooding my system, and giving me the hollow feeling in my gut I knew so well. The symptoms seemed worse this time around, as I’d had no time earlier to think about anything other than getting to Leo and bringing him safely home. My worry at him possibly having hypothermia had eclipsed all else as we’d cuddled together in my bed to keep him warm.
The three of us having sex when he awoke had been spontaneous and completely unexpected. I’d just gone along with what happened, my resistance crumbling after Leo’s plea and the electric kiss that followed. I hadn’t considered any of the consequences, only too willing to abandon the remnants of my current life for a while, to revel in the moment and enjoy my time with the two of them, and finally get to experience sex with another man after all this time.
And the sex, dear Lord, the sex.
Maybe the encounter had been so incredibly good because I hadn’t been with anyone at all in the last few years; deliberately so. I’d much preferred to keep myself locked away, rarely venturing out of the cabin unless I absolutely had to for supplies or volunteering with the Park Rangers. In truth, what I’d done now hadn’t been much: a few kisses and me receiving a blow job, but fuck, I’d never felt passion like it as my brain took a hike, and my body took over.
With the endorphins now well and truly worn off, stark reality rapidly set in. Another wave of guilt rolled over me when I remembered this is the bed I used to share with Katie. I currently lay on the sheets she had picked, holding one naked man tightly in my arms and staring hungrily at another. Closing my eyes, I attempted to block them both out for a moment, while at the same time trying to conjure up an image of Katie and I together, anything to prove I still wanted her, but nothing materialized. Instead, all I envisioned were two mouths wrapped around my cock, my coming all over their very male faces, kissing them, licking my own release from their lips, and enjoying the salty taste. Enjoying them.
In a way, I felt extremely grateful I hadn’t had sex with another woman, as it took some of the sting out of my remorse. Sex with a man wasn't the same thing as sex with a woman, was it? So I hadn’t completely betrayed my wife, right? Aware of my sketchy reasoning and weak argument, I needed to permit myself this small lie, allow some measure of deception, or I’d break open completely.
“You think I’m some sort of Adonis?” Leo’s hesitant words eased into my awareness, making me frown in confusion.
“How can you not think you are?” I asked him.
He didn’t raise his head to look at me and only gave a small shrug of his shoulders, but the gesture shouted loud and clear he thought no such thing. While Gabe had a more defined and sculpted body, his was also more compact than either mine or Leo’s. But Leo appeared exactly as Gabe described: a Greek god. His big arms and chest were perfectly defined and his thighs chunky and muscular. I easily pictured him in a scene from ancient Greece, his toga draped over one shoulder, defining his fit body. Add in the sprinkling of sandy hair covering his chest and legs, and, oh yes, he was every bit as beautiful as Gabe. Despite my mixed feelings about what we’d done, I determinedly put them on the back burner. They’d rear their ugly head soon enough and I’d deal with any turmoil and regret later.
Now, Leo needed reassurance, as I wouldn’t let him think for a second he wasn’t one of the most handsome men I’d ever met. “Hey,” I said softly, waiting for him to look up into my eyes. I lowered my head and took his mouth in a gentle kiss, my lips tracing over his, loving the way he resisted at first, before melting into me. I raised my head to look at a slightly dazed Leo. “You are handsome and gorgeous and totally beautiful.” I kissed him again. “And I’ll punch anyone from here into next week who doesn’t agree with me.”
His eyes darted over my face as if examining my words, making sure I told the truth.
“I mean it, okay?”
His eyes returned to mine. “Okay,” he replied quietly.
I kissed the tip of his nose. “Good.”
A couple of whines at the bedroom door pulled my attention away from him. Gabe had left it slightly ajar on his return, and two snuffling noses were poking in through the gap.
“Looks like you have visitors,” I told Leo.
Sensing they were safe to enter, the door nudged open wider, and Chuck and Norris rushed in. They didn’t immediately climb up on the bed; instead, they rested their heads on the covers and gave me their pleading cuddle-me eyes.
“And that’s my cue.” I did a quick check of the clock on the nightstand, and reluctantly got off the bed. “I need to go look in on the horses.”
“Oh,” Leo’s voice clearly showed his disappointment.
“You need to get some rest anyway,” Gabe added. Leo reluctantly mumbled his agreement, his irritation at having to rest, and not stay with us, so darn cute. I dropped another kiss on his lips because I wanted to, then settled him in the bed, ensuring he had an adequate number of pillows to support him.
Once I’d gotten him comfortable, I turned to the dogs. “This is a not to become a habit,” I told them sternly, “but get up here.”
They didn’t need to be told twice and were on the bed in a flash of paws and tails, settling on either side of a snuggled-up Leo, tucking in against his body much the way Gabe and I had been when we’d first arrived as we tried to get Leo warm. They placed their heads on Leo’s thighs and closed their eyes with a contented huff.
“You want some company?” Gabe asked, causing me to glance over at him. His eyes were roving all over my naked torso, and his hot gaze made my stomach flip and my dick twitch. After breaking the seal and having sex, my body was raring to go at the slightest opportunity. Gabe’s smirk and his raised eyebrows confirmed he knew exactly where my brain headed, and glancing down at his own cock, I knew we were going in exactly the same direction.
“Hey, no fair,” Leo moaned sleepily. “No doing anything without me.”
Gabe chuckled. “Not a chance, ya hear,” and he leaned down to place a final kiss on Leo’s forehead. “Scout’s honor.” The words came out jokingly, but I still managed to catch the deadly serious undertone in his voice. What on earth had happened to him, I wondered again, suddenly glad we’d have some time alone together because I wanted to try to get him to open up some more. To say we’d not started out well was an understatement, and I hoped after what we’d shared together this afternoon, how close we’d gotten, we’d both be more open and honest with each other and less inclined to jump to the worst conclusions.
After picking the rest of my clothes off the floor, I pulled them on as Gabe did the same with his. “We’ll be back to check on you in a little while.” I gently carded my fingers through his soft blond hair. “I want to make sure if you did bump your head, you don’t have a concussion.” Leo gave a sleepy nod in response. Switching on the small bedside lamp, its soft glow filling the room, I made sure the covers were pulled up around his neck to keep him warm and cozy. Hard to accomplish when two deadweight dogs were laying on top of him. “Look after him, okay?” I told Norris, who opened his eyes as I scratched behind his ears. “Good boy.”
I left the door slight ajar once we’d exited the room, to find Gabe smirking at me. “Who’d have thought you were so gooey?” he teased.