"Harvey hates me," I say, fresh tears falling on my face, and I sniffle.

He frowns. "Did he say that?"

I shake my head. "He didn't have to, Jaden. I fucked up so bad." I shake with the force of my emotion, and he pulls me to his chest.

"Oh, Sunshine."

I release all the tears and when his shirt is too wet, I retreat. I stare at his messed-up shirt, another mess I've made. All I do is make messes. Now how is he going to walk across campus with a wet shirt.

I am feeling lower than low right now and I just want to wallow in self-pity.

"Come let’s prepare for bed," he says. I let him lead me to my bathroom and he prepares my toothbrush and I give him a spare.

He quips his brow. "You won't make me brush my teeth alone, would you?"

It's a silly thing to say but I just don't feel like doing anything alone right now.

"I'll prepare your bed and pajamas." Then he shifts to go but I hold his hand.

"Don't go." I plead, a little needy, not wanting to part with him.

He looks confused as to what I'm asking.

"Do you have a girlfriend too?" I ask. Which would suck a big one if he was seeing someone too.

He looks even more confused before he shakes his head.

"I don't wanna shower alone," I say when he doesn't ask anything.

He nods, turns on the spray and waits for me.

I start undressing and he does too. We get in the shower and his gaze roams my body with that hunger I have all but forgotten. We stand there at first with him looking at my breasts and it makes me feel a little better. To know that they may not all feel like Harvey, that the others do want me. Perhaps I can be good with that.

"Summer, I…I don't know what to do here," he confesses.

I breathe out an awkward chuckle. "I don't know either. But maybe we can shower."

He gives me a crooked smile before his hands reach for me carefully, like he is expecting me to jump back and say no. When his hands touch me, all my senses awaken, and I feel a charge all over my skin. He explores my skin slowly, cautiously, like he is testing my limits, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Summer, I want to get back together," he says, his hands cupping my face. The water continues beating us on our side and we just act like it's not there.

"I don't know, Jay," I answer honestly. With Harvey seeing someone else I don't know how it's going to work.

"Do you not want to still?" He looks a little hurt.

"I am open to it, yes. But with me and Harv being where we are, I don't know if I can move forward to a relationship without us being okay first."

He looks like he understands. "You’re not shutting us out anymore, right?"

"I'm not."

He leans in. "Can I kiss you?"

I plant my lips on his and the kiss gets hot instantly. We get closer and he holds me. And I remember us. Me and Jaden. Me and the president.

We basically rinse in the shower and step out. The air is heated, both of us feeling the anticipation of the night. He helps me dry my hair before he switches off the light and pulls me to the bed.

I lie back on my pillow and he kisses down my body. He is gentle and taking his time caressing my body with his lips. Arousal has me clenching on air anticipating what I know is coming. His head disappears between my thighs and my hands scratch his head as I moan as he finally kisses my needy pussy. He eats me out like he is ravenous. Both making pleased sounds when he introduces his fingers and he starts fingering me hard. He’s never gentle, always making me come the hardest.