The air is so shrunken, it's a little too dense to breathe too and I just want to draw it louder and quicker as my heart races. He doesn't answer me. After a minute, and some bravery, I turn. Our eyes find each other, but I can't read his face.

"I'm sorry, Harvey. I…I should have listened." My voice is barely a whisper. "What happened to you, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He doesn't answer for a full minute while I stew there.

"It's the past, Summer."

It's not an acceptance of my apology.

"Are you angry at me for how I handled things?"

He looks at me for a long while before he says, "Yes."

An involuntary tear slides down my face.

"Oh." I manage. I don't know why but I wasn't expecting that. My foolish self expected him to pull me to his arms and tell me he still loves me, that he wants me back and doesn't blame me for anything.

I nod, having no words to respond.

"What can I do?"

He looks away from me. "It's the past, Summer."

"Is that girl your girlfriend?" I can't help the jealousy and all the raw emotions taking me over. I didn't think I'd have to be in this position.

"I am seeing her, yes." A strange note accompanies his words.

My ears ring after he says it. He’s not single? I can't help the rushing tears that fall. I clear my throat and exhale loudly before I start moving. He doesn't stop me or ask me to not go, and I leave his room feeling rejected more than I ever have in my life.

I close his door gently and walk out, calming myself, I throw on my hoodie. After I clear my throat, I head downstairs. I don't look at them.

"I'll see you," I say, rushing to the door.

I am glad my voice comes out steady and not like I just got my heart ransacked. I sprint across the campus, but I can't run fast enough to put distance between me and Harvey.

I am sweating by the time I get to my dorm. Closing the door behind me, I lean on it. My face is hot, my ears are hot, and my body is trembling. A sob is just bubbling under, and I know I will sleep in tears again.

A knock disturbs my slow slide into sorrow. My first thought is to ignore them, but they knock again.

"Sunshine, open it’s me."

I just got here. Did he follow me? I contemplate not answering the door because I don't want him to see the mess I am.

"I won't leave. So just open it." Jaden says, and I roll my teary eyes.

Trust Jaden to never take no for an answer. He always has to negotiate, make a deal, persuade.

But it's not like he has never seen me teary eyed. So I open for him and he stands there with concern in his features, panting.

"Did you run after me?" I ask.

"Yes, and you still run like a gazelle," he says and I snort. "May I come in?"

I let him in even though I doubt I can handle one of them being here after that whole thing with Harv.

I close the door slowly and he turns and looks at me. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

He gets closer when it's evident I'm not getting close to him. I am still leaning against the door, and he closes the distance between us, but we aren't touching.