"Su, what the hell!" Hazel says, sliding past me, inviting herself in like we are friends. She stands in the middle of my room, and I turn but keep the door open. I don't intend on her being here long.


"Trevor tells me about you and…" She sounds worried.

You have some fucking nerve, bitch.

I wonder what her game was. She’s always supported mine and Logan's relationship, even pushing me to the guy. But if she was interested in him herself, why do all that?

"How long were you sleeping with him?" I cut to the chase. I am not in the mood for this girl to act high and mighty in front of me. Since we were friends maybe I owe her a little honesty.

My question hits her, and she knows I know but she collects herself with a puckered brow. "What do you mean?" her throat bops slightly.

"Logan. How long have you been fucking him?"

"Su, I don't know what you heard but whoever told you anything, they lied." Her voice doesn’t even shake.

"Did he send you here? All those times you argued his case, was that him asking you to make a fool of me?" I just realized how angry I am at her. She was supposed to be my friend. What in the actual fuck?

She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing audible comes out.

"Did he send you here now? Were you there at his place? Did he make you come? Does he spank you too? What do you do after? Do you talk about me? Do you laugh?"

Her eyes shine with tears. "Su…" She looks like the cat caught her tongue. Then she moves to leave. When she is almost out the door, I grab her shirt and she screeches to a stop.

"You can run and tell your boyfriend that I know. Tell him I saw you three on Friday. Tell him I was coming to dump him anyway, so no harm no foul. But you Hazel…" my voice breaks a little. "I am so disappointed, and you hurt my feelings."

I let go of her and she turns to me with a regretful face and trembling lips. But I slam the door in her face.




After I waste Wednesday indoors, I decide when nighttime comes that maybe it's time for me to put my big girl panties on. I get in blue jeans and a hoodie, take my phone and go. I am at their house in 15 minutes, and I knock.

Jaden opens the door looking surprised to see me.

"Hey, Sunshine," he says with a smile.

I give him a small smile too.

"Hey, Jay."

He grins. "Glad to know I'm back to Jay."

I roll my eyes as I walk in, finding them watching a basketball game. I realize I haven't really watched any sports since we broke up.

"Hey, Peach," Arch says, all eyes are on me.

I wave with an awkward smile. "Hey. Um, can I please talk to you?" I look at Harv.

He looks hesitant but he gets up and follows me to his room. I walk in and stand in the middle of his room. He’s got the same furniture as Arch's room but he has posters of the fights he loves and two framed basketball jerseys. His walls are also painted a navy, the whole mood is a little dark and moody, especially with the dimmer light.

He doesn't come to my front, standing behind me and I am a little nervous to turn around. It feels like I’ll be facing my shittiness.

"Can you ever forgive me?" I ask, terrified of the answer.