"You just want her to yourself."
"Of course, I do."
"I fucking hate you," I say.
"Yeah, I love you too," he whispers with a grin as he shoves us all out and closes the door. We hear the lock twist.
"Motherfucker," Jaden says.
"Lucky asshole," Caleb says.
We follow after each other downstairs and plop on the couches, and I pick up the TV remote.
"We are sitting like three old men in front of the TV on countrywide Halloween night celebration," Jaden says, taking a beer from the ice bucket on top of the coffee table.
We planned to have a party ourselves but that all got canceled and moved to Davon and Martin's house after Summer showed up. The girl still has all our balls by her fucking hands, and I'd say it was disgusting if I wasn't in love with her.
It was a no brainer. She looked upset when she came, and I would bet my last dollar that it had to do with that fucker. I wonder what happened.
But I guess Arch will tell us everything in the morning.
"I am hungry, pizza?" Caleb asks as we settle on a rerun of a basketball game.
"Yeah, sure."
I lean back with a beer.
"What do you think Logan did to her?" Caleb asks.
"Who knows." I can feel Jaden's shrug without seeing it.
"We need to have a sit-down with her tomorrow. She needs to leave him," Caleb says.
Sleep has evaded me all night as my mind won't stop running, worrying. What happened between her and Logan? Did they fight again?
They were supposed to go to the party today and she said she was still looking for the right time to dump him. It’s taken a lot of control on my end watching her go back to him. But I don't know how much longer I can. I am fine with us taking it slow, but Logan needs to fucking jump out of the picture already.
I wonder what happened. In different parts of the night her face has twisted in frowns, and it reminds me of her face earlier. And I can't even guess what it was. She just got back home, she should be over the moon.
When we talked on the phone last night, she was happy. Lighter than she's been in a while. The trip home was good for her, and I haven’t laughed so much as she told me her nana and little sister's shenanigans. The Baileys are a great family unit. Hardly seen in upper class families.
It made me miss the dinners when I'd go. It felt great being the main boyfriend her nana recognized. I always found it interesting that her parents didn't have a problem with all of us dating her but letting her nana know was the hard no.
But even with all that, Summer still has an amazing family. Supportive. And though most of the rest of our parents are around but none are as warm as the Baileys.
So, it is surprising that she is upset right after coming from all that. I couldn't push her earlier. She just needed my affirmation. It sucks because I hate whatever made her feel that way. But for the life of me I can't imagine what it is.
She must have heard something or even seen something in the little time she landed to when she came to me. My eyes land on her phone that is face down on the bedside table.
I won't invade her privacy, but I do wish I could. She would know if I did. I just need to wait until the morning.