The room flattens. None of us expected that. But Arch is not in a playing mood.

"I am taking her home, wake her up."

"I don't think that's going to happen. Now, if that's all, please fuck off before you wake her. She's exhausted."

Jaden is the first one to burst out laughing and Caleb and I follow. Archer is a motherfucker.

Logan stands there like he just lost his mind.

"You fucked her?" his voice is barely audible as his body trembles slightly, hands in fists.

"Man, let's leave." Landon tries to pull him away.

"No, I'm not leaving without her." Logan widens his stance. This guy really is insane. We are going to have to keep her away from him. "Did you fuck her?"

Arch tilts his head to the side slowly. "And if I did, what are you going to do about it?"

Logan launches himself at Arch, but his friends hold him.

"No, let him. Let him step." Arch steps forward and I see the sheer terror in Landon's eyes.

Trevor just tries to pull his friend back.

"I should have known she was just a slut like—"

Archer moves so fast, blood flies in the air as Logan falls together with all his friends. Arch gets on top of him and I move to pick up Landon and drag him out. That fucker is on his own. And all of them need to leave here.

"Fucking stop him, he's going to kill him," Landon yells.

"Well, you should have told him to mind himself." I drop him outside.

The others bring the rest and Arch drags Logan before he pushes him out, surprisingly he is in good shape, just touching his neck. Arch must have held himself back. Lucky bastard.

"You'd do well to not cross this threshold again, or those little illustrious football careers you dream of will remain in your head."

"We aren't scared of you, assholes." Logan holds his bleeding nose. This motherfucker just isn't quitting, is he?

"McKenzie, if you say one more thing, I don't care if Summer wakes up, I will sleep in a jail cell," Archer says.

"Get the fuck out of here." I bark at them, and they drag each other as they get in Logan's car. We stand and watch them drive off. Fuckers.

Jaden sighs. "Was she asleep?"


"Probably up now," Caleb says and we walk in.

We all climb the stairs behind one another as we go check on her. We find her breathing evenly.

"How is she still asleep?"

"My room does keep a lot of sound out."

"Or you must have knocked her out," Caleb comments.

Arch has a smug smirk on his face, and I want to punch him.

"Well leave, assholes, before she wakes and finds you here."