Page 110 of Final Betrayal

‘Thanks,’ Lottie said. Why hadn’t she thought of that? Why hadn’t she thought of a lot of things.

She turned her attention to Belfield. ‘Has she made contact with you?’


‘And you’ve seen no sign of her anywhere?’


Lottie paced up and down the office, the motion making her head feel worse. ‘She’s out there with no mode of transport, no money and?—’

‘She might have money.’

Stopping in front of Belfield, Lottie stared down at the top of his head. ‘What do you mean?’

‘My wallet. All my cash was taken. The cards are still in it, but no?—’

‘And you never thought to tell me that nugget of information before now?’

‘You never asked.’

‘Jesus.’ Lottie pulled on the ends of her hair. ‘And you’re an NYPD captain? God give me strength.’

Belfield just shrugged and kept his head down.

‘Your number has been redirected to the new phone,’ McKeown said.

Lottie pulled the phone from her pocket to make sure it had battery charge. It seemed okay. What to do now? Wait? She couldn’t do that.

‘Boyd, do you still have your phone?’

He tapped his trouser pocket. ‘Yes, though the screen is smashed.’

‘You have Cynthia Rhodes’ mobile number?’

He squinted between the cracks and brought up his contacts. ‘Yeah. Why?’

‘Phone her. See if she knows anything.’

‘What would she know?’

‘She’s a journalist.’

Boyd hit a number and moved to his desk. Lottie didn’t listen in. She concentrated on Belfield.

‘Leo, she must have said something to you.’

‘She only wanted to see the old family house. I’m sorry, Lottie. I can’t help you.’

Boyd held up a hand as he ended his call. ‘Cynthia says she’ll try to put something on the nine o’clock news bulletin, but she can’t guarantee it.’

‘McMahon will blow a gasket,’ Kirby said.

‘Fuck him,’ Lottie said.


I took them. I was minding my own business watching the mayhem from the street across the road from the courthouse accident and saw an opportunity. The garda detail outside the Parker residence had been reassigned. The girls were more than anxious to come and see if their mother was okay. Telling them not to make a fuss and to think of their brother and the baby was a master stroke. Maybe Lottie has died in the accident. I hope not. I want her to suffer the loss of her two girls. I want to see her pain when she finds her dear daughters with their throats slit. That will teach her.