Page 109 of Final Betrayal

‘Sir, they went into town to look for me. They suspected I was caught up in the incident but they didn’t know I was all right because my phone was buried. They met someone there who said she would bring them to me.’

‘Parker, I am dealing with at least ten dead people, an unknown number missing, and a possible gas leak with potential to blow this town to kingdom come, and you come in here telling me you can’t find your daughters. Get real. They’ve gone shopping. Went for a drink. Probably smoking dope somewhere. They have been known to do that, am I right?’

You’re a prick, Lottie thought, but she said, ‘I need to find them. I can’t concentrate on anything else at the moment.’

‘Inspector, I am ordering you to get your act together. First, get some sleep. You look like something a cat would find in a bin. Be back here tomorrow morning, and I want the killer of those four young women in a cell.’

You’re just like a broken record, she thought.

‘You’re like a broken record,’ Boyd said. Despite her pain, Lottie smiled. Their synchronicity was astounding at times. ‘We need to take Inspector Parker seriously when she says her girls are missing. We have reason to believe that Bernie Kelly may have abducted them.’

‘The same Kelly woman who is related to you, Parker. This is family stuff. I don’t intend to waste garda resources on it. There’s a country-wide alert for Kelly. She will be found. And, may I add, you still have a lot of explaining to do on that score.’

‘That rest you mentioned,’ Lottie said. ‘I’m going to take it now.’

McMahon stared at her with his jaw hanging open. She turned and left. Boyd followed.

In her office, she bumped into McKeown.

‘Any news on the phones?’

‘Nothing. The last triangulation I can get – off the record, only because I know someone working with the network provider – puts them in the vicinity of Gaol Street, where the accident happened.’

‘And nothing further?’


‘Okay. What do we do next?’

Boyd said, ‘From what we’ve learned about Bernie Kelly, she will want you to know she has the girls. She will make contact.’

‘So you think we should sit and wait?’

‘Yes, I do.’

‘But if she tries to ring me, I’ve no phone. Unless …’

‘What?’ Boyd and McKeown spoke together.

‘My mother. She visited her already. She may try to do so again.’

Kirby walked into the office. ‘You’re forgetting one thing.’

‘What’s that?’

‘It may not be Kelly who has the girls.’

Behind him, Leo Belfield trailed in, his head low, his demeanour that of a condemned man.

‘What do you mean?’ Lottie said.

Leo shrugged his arms out of his coat. ‘Gee, but it’s hot in here.’ He slumped into the nearest chair. ‘If it is Bernie, I think she’s just trying to get your attention.’

‘She certainly has it now, so where is she?’

Boyd said, ‘You need to find your phone.’

‘Or you can have your number directed to the new phone,’ Kirby said. ‘McKeown can do that.’