"Twins!" Franco and I ask in unison.
"And you're just seeing this now!?" Franco asks.
"Well, it seems the second baby was hiding behind the first." He's delighted. "Like I said, it's rare, but it happens. Thankfully, both of them are healthy and developing nicely. However, this does complicate matters slightly."
"Complicate how?" Franco is instantly on high alert.
"Well, multiple births tend not to go to term. So you might go into labor sooner than your due date. You just need to pay attention to your body. Remember everything I've told you, and don't take any chances." He pauses. "Other than that, everything is wonderful. I'm happy."
"Thank you, doctor," I say. The news is still fresh, and I'm struggling with joy and panic. Two babies!
"This is wonderful news! Thank you, doctor." Franco is delirious with happiness. "Twins! Woohoo!" He lets out an excited whoop that startles me and makes the babies kick in agreement. I laugh as my panic dissipates in the face of his excitement. We'll be ok. He leans down and kisses me. "Thank you. Thank you. My love! Twins are a good omen. They bring luck and prosperity!"
Dr. Lowenstein laughs and closes his file.
"One last thing...would you like to know the sex?" he asks.
"You know?" I ask.
"Yes. I can make you a 3D video of the sonogram and print a few pictures if you want to start your babies' book. I only ask because it will be pretty obvious once you watch the tape." He grins, and I blush.
"Like father like sons." Franco blurts out proudly. My face reddens even more.
"You guessed it. Two healthy and blessed baby boys." Dr. Lowenstein grins. "I'll leave you to get dressed, and you can come through to my office if you have any follow-up questions?"
"No. I think we're fine, doctor. Thank you," I say, not wanting the moment to end.
"Two boys. The Morelli name will live on. My dad and brother will be so happy," Franco says. He doesn't miss the moment of sadness that his comment evokes as I think about my loser brother and my dad, who so badly wanted the Dilio name to survive him. Franco comes to sit beside me as I wipe the gel off my belly. He puts his arm around me.
"I've been thinking. What would you say to a double barrel surname?" He looks at me, and I stop as I register what he's saying.
"You mean, Dilio-Morelli?" He nods. "You'd really do that?"
"Of course."
I'm not able to contain my happiness, and the tears flow freely. He knows better than to try and stop it at this point. It's hormones and joy and he's learned to just ride with it.
Back home, he leads me up to our room, even though it's the middle of the day. I want him, and he wants me, but there's nothing we can or want to do to stop it.
He kisses me, and we slowly undress each other. The hunger and need for each other are still strong, and it's all either of us can do to keep our hands off each other. The bump makes it impossible for him to be on top of me, but we've been having a ball of a time finding wonderful new positions to satisfy our craving for each other. I lie on my side as he kneels behind me, creating a T with our bodies. His cock slides in and out of me in a slow but insistent rhythm until I'm practically screaming with the need to be pounded. He grinds into me and stays still, the entire length of him inside me, consuming me. He begins to slowly move his hips in circles, sending my body into orgasmic overdrive. He reaches for me as my final explosion and his first intersect, and he falls beside me, spent.
He kisses me tenderly and without ceasing and traces the outline of my face and upper body with his strong fingers. His eyes never leave mine, and we don't say a word.
I lie awake watching Aria sleep and her belly slowly rising and falling. It's the first decent night's sleep she's had since all hell broke loose, and I don't want to disturb her. She looks so beautiful. The moonlight floods the room and caresses her face. I can stay like this forever.
"Oooh," she winces in her sleep, and her eyes shoot open.
I turn on the lamp on the side of the bed.
"What's wrong? Is it time?" I ask, trying not to panic. I've hunted killers and faced certain death, but I've never been as scared as I am right now, waiting for my sons to be born. Knowing that I have everything I've ever wanted and am so close to my own happily ever after is beyond scary.
Before Aria and the babies, I had nothing but my life to lose, and it made me bold and reckless. It earned me money, power and respect, but that meant nothing to me. I could leave it all behind for the thrill of the next chase and the next challenge. Now, in the blink of an eye—three hearts I would gladly sacrifice for my one and yet I know that I will not always be able to protect them, and it terrifies me. It also helps me understand my brother's need to control all the moving parts of his life.