To choose control over love because love makes you vulnerable. It's a weakness in this world, which is why there's an unwritten rule about hurting made men's families - wives and kids. Siblings are fair game even if they're not in the life. Even knowing that doesn't offer me solace. For every wise guy who obeys the rule, there are two willing to covertly break it in order to seize power or get revenge. I have made a lot of enemies and caused the tears of countless fathers, mothers and wives to nourish the soil.

Nothing makes you take stock of the consequences of your life's choices and karma like having people who would take your world with them if they should go, physically or by a maniacal hand.

My mind turns to Aria and our unborn babies.

"Are you ok? Do I need to bring the car around and get your bag?"

"Amor, calm down," she says in the sexy, affected accent that drives me wild. Once I came to terms with her past, and she with mine, it became a sexy game we sometimes play. The Assassin and willing mark. The things I have to do to convince her not to complete her assignment.

"Why are you smiling?" she asks.

"You know what that accent does to me," I say.

"Even now? I'm as big as a house. With tenants to boot!" She says, rubbing her belly.

"You've never been more beautiful," I tell her, and I mean it. I rub her belly, and right on cue, the twins start kicking. It still delights me, and I start talking to them.

"Hey, boys." The kicking intensifies, and I love it.

"You know you're only encouraging them to be night owls." She laughs.

"I don't care. I'll play with them anytime they want!" I say, kissing her belly.

"Excuse me!? And when do I get my playtime?" she says huffily.

"Oh, babe. I've got more than enough to keep you happy." I answer cheekily.

"I know. I'm just making sure you remember who you have to keep happy first." She smiles. "They'll grow up and leave us, and we'll have to entertain ourselves. That is if you don't grow tired of me."


I turn off the light, and we drift off to sleep. She creeps into the crook of my arm, rests her tummy on mine, and throws one of her legs over my thighs.

"Ohh, that's better."

"See, I told you that I had enough for you." I laugh and start drifting off to sleep.

"You're not getting off that easy, mister. I have more ideas and games for just mommy and daddy to play." My eyes are closed, but I can picture the wicked grin on her face.

"I can't wait," I reply, half asleep.

"I can tell." She says as my cock moves. "That's what Mama likes."

We lay like that and drift off to a peaceful, dreamy sleep.


I wake up in the early hours of the morning, and something doesn't feel right. I'm lying on a patch of water that's cooled. I've gotten used to the occasional cramps that come with carrying twins, but the one that woke me is more intense.

I shift, and it goes away. I start to time it just for safety's sake. The doctor told me to be aware that multiple births don't often go to term and that Franco should bring me in if the period between contractions is shorter than a minute. I suspect that I might be in labor. I breathe deeply and rub my tummy. Nothing for five minutes...five and a half and ...

"Oh...." I yell out even though I was trying not to wake Franco.

"What is it?"

"Nothing...nothing. Go back to sleep—just a couple of cramps. I'll be fine. I'll wake you if they continue."

"Yeah, right." He jumps up and claps his hands to make the bedroom lights go on. He pulls on his underwear and starts running around the room looking for a stopwatch before he gives up and opens the clock app on his phone. "How long since the last contraction?"