“Like, I could barely fit it in my mouth enormous.”
“Jesus!” Emily laughs.
“Oh, and he’s also thirty-two. I googled him.”
Emily’s laugh rolls into a high pitch fit, and she collapses onto her side right next to me. “Holy shit, Luna! He’s almost twice your age!”
“I know. Am I wrong for thinking it’s kind of hot?”
“Kind of?” Emily asks, her eyes blazing. “Look at me and say I’m not jealous!”
I instantly start blushing like a maniac. I feel my face turn into an overripe tomato and quickly cover it with my pillow.
I don’t know why I’m blushing. Maybe it’s because of the role reversal; normally I’m the one listening to Emily talk about her sexcapades with Aaron–up until recently, that is–and now I’m the one talking about a guy, and she’s the one listening.
Emily snatches the pillow from my face and smacks me with it. “How did this even happen? You just asked him, right in front of his secretary, if you could suck him off?”
I nearly choke on my water as I picture this. Walking right up to him in front of Claire at the front desk and just spitting out a request like that. Chaos at the farm.
“No!” I reply. “He gave me a private tour. Showed me where they process the cream. Gave me a sample of their fresh stuff that hadn’t even been packed up yet–”
“And then gave you a serving of his cream?”
Again, I bury my head in my sheets, my face so hot from blush I feel like my cheeks are about to melt off completely.
“I swear, Luna,” Emily says. “How can you be such a great businesswoman for your dad, and also be such a little wuss when it comes to being a teenage girl?”
I groan like guys do when their favorite team doesn’t come through in the fourth quarter and they realize they’ve just lost a big bet.
“I don’t know! This is all just foreign territory to me, okay?”
“He must have really had his eye on you.” She smiles. “Either that or you’ve got some serious feminine trickery going on.”
“Feminine trickery, eh?” An unmistakable male voice echoes from the door. Instantly my body tenses up, and Emily sits up as I hide myself beneath the covers.
It can’t be!
“Sorry, who are you?” she asks.
“It’s him!” I whisper, just loud enough so she can hear me and he can’t. “It’s Brent!”
“I’m Brent,” he replies. I can hear the smile in his voice. “Brent Carnell. I was looking for Luna. I assume she’s that lump under the blankets there beneath you?”
Somehow, disappointment, excitement, terror, and lust all flow through me at the exact same moment. Rather than hide any longer, I quickly pull my blankets down and sit up.
God, this is embarrassing. My hair is a mess, and I don’t have an ounce of makeup on. What’s he doing at my dorm at 8:30 in the evening?
“Brent! Hey! What are you doing here?”
Without even answering me, he steps past Emily and into the room, glancing nostalgically around. His hands trace the lines of my university-issued dresser and desk. He nods and smiles.
“Wow. Been a while since I’ve been in a college dorm room. This sure brings back some memories.”
“Did you go to UVM?” Emily asks. He turns to her and gives her a long look before answering.
“Ah.” She nods slowly. She glances back at me then takes a look at her phone. “You know I just remembered I have to go see Nikki. We were going to work on our Stats homework together. I’ll um…I’ll see you later.”